MIT Shotgun Question.

I have shotgun S3 from cdp (rotel 1072)to rotel pre 1069(in bypass mode) to rotel 1075 amp.The setting from cdp to pre is set at high as pre input sensitivity is 100kohm.The setting in shotgun S3 is set at low for pre to amp as amp is 33kohm.
Does anyone using Mit interconnects stay with the recommended settings?Reason I ask is when I set the IC going from pre to amp everything is very clean and crisp but lacks in musicality and is very cold sounding.There is just no smoothness to the music.But if I set the IC to medium from pre to amp the sound stage opens up and though there is a slight loss of clarity everything sounds more rounded.smooth and open.
Could the specs on my amp be wrong?This is not just with music from cdp but with all sources.Tv,dvd,bluray.Any thoughts from MIT users would be appreciated.Thanks.
I noted that you only have 100 hours on the cables, which is not nearly enough time for them to have fully burned in. I can tell you from personal experience that MIT cables sound wrong before they burn in. Therefore, you are doing yourself a great disservice by letting them go before giving them a chance.
You know I am going on the 2/2 break in period.2 days per MIT and they are 75% broken in.2 weeks fully broken in.Well 75% is absolutely terrible.What I do not understand is why at the setting they should be set they are terrible.But out of the box they sound very good at the wrong setting.Hell my old Monster IC's sound better than these.There comes a point in time where enough is enough as I have been buying and selling cables now for over a month and still am right back where I started from.
When I first started this journey I called the cable company and asked for a recommendation on some IC's in the 150 to 100 dollar range and they suggested a 250 dollar cable and now I am spending in the 300 dollar range per IC and it is just time to let well enough alone.
Maybe my gear is just not high end enough for exotic cables that you plug into the wall or have switch boxes on them.Got to say though that they sure look nice but just do not do my system any justice.Thanks for the reply's.
"I have been buying and selling cables now for over a month and still am right back where I started from."

Yes, so I read. You are trying to rush what cannot be rushed. Slow down, live with a set of cables for awhile. Patience is truly a virtue in this hobby.
Ok ..Point well taken.I am going to cancel my selling of these IC's and do a full burn in on them.Only because of what is suggested here.So I have over 200 more hours more to put on them and then will give a critical listen and will post my results.Thanks.
One last thing.Can I use barrel connectors and chain multiple IC's for burn in.Thanks