Beatles USB via Squeezebox Touch

I just got my copy of the Beatles Boxed Set on USB, and have been unable to play it when plugged directly into the back of the Touch. I followed the instructions on the Touch website for playing USBs, but so far all I can get to play is the mp3 version of Hard Day's Night. It does play on my Imac, so the files seem to be intact.

After plugging the USB into the Touch, I click on the "start sqbox server," which runs for awhile and hen I go to the USB and click on that. It gives flac and mp3 options, and when I click on flac, it says something like"no files available>" I can the same message with mp3 for all albums but Hard Day's. I've tried going to the SQBox server on my Imac and asking it to rescan, same thing. Help???
Using any drive directly into the SBT's USB input means that you are forced to use the tiny server software in the SBT rather than the one on the host computer. Interaction is sluggish and 24/192, fwiw, is not possible.

Mapman and Kal -- So you're both saying that I will get better sound by copying the Beatles USB files to me computer (iTunes) and then stream it to the Touch -- rather than run it directly into the back of the Touch? That's good to know. I had assume that the more direct connection to the Touch would be better. I'm new at this but starting to get the hang of computer audio and liking it alot. Many thanks for your help -- I suspect there are lots of other folks learning the ropes of this new world through these forums.

Just out of curiosity, is it possible to feed as USB drive (like hte Beatles set) directly to the Touch through its USB port? That didn't work for me, and I'm convinced that copying the files is the way to go. But I'm just wondering.
Did you check to see if the USB stick is formatted in Fat 32?

I run a USB stick of Beatles FLAC in my Touch all the time.
The Touch requires that you have some available space on the thumb drive in order to operate properly. The drive probably doesn't have enough available space to write temporary files. Check your USB drive and Logitech support.
Interesting. From a quick search, Fat 32 seems to be a more efficient space saving file format. Stevenstone, ae you saying that it should be Fat 32? Is yours Fat 32? I'm not really a computer person, so any clarification would help. Did you have to do anything to the Beatles USB or Touch to get it to run?

So far, I copied the files to my iTunes and streamed them into my Touch, with then goes through a PSB DAC III. I compared the USB-Touch to CD on my Linn Genki, and then my Linn Akkurate CD player (using a few tracks from Pepper -- She's Leaving Home, W/in you W/o you, and A Day in the Life.

The high rez Touch sounded better on each track than the Genki (smoother, more detail, better soundstage), but the Akkurate topped the Touch in pretty much the same way, also had a bit more palpability, presence, and slam on Ringo's drums (esp on ADITL). I guess that's to be expected, given the price of he various units, but those are just initial reactions.

Thanks to all for your helpful comments.