after Valhalla, i changed to

am curious what others found satisfying or an improvement after valhalla.

First NBS Omega, then Kubala Sosna Emotion. All fine cables, including the Valhalla, just different tonal balances. Any of them could be satisfying, depending on the system and your listening biases--the Kubala-Sosna ultimately was the one that worked the best in my system for my tastes.
After having all Valhalla in my system for three years, I'm back to Stealth Indra IC's and Speaker Dream Cable. My music has returned to me. Let's face the subjectivity of all this cable selection stuff so it really gets down to what you like in your system.
I will say this: At all of CES and THE Show, the only place I saw Valhalla was in Klaus's room, where he was demonstrating the superiority of Odin!
I got to hear (or not hear?) the Kubala Sosna cabling in the Wison Benesch/Dehavilland room at RMAF. Really incredible synergy here. I think there's some slight coloration with this cabling; but like Shindo gear, its so inviting that you kind of don't mind.
,,,At first, anyway.
Argento Audio-much better than valhalla.

Actually there are a lot of cables better than Valhalla.
The purpose of a cable is to alter the signal as less as possible.

Blind test me and I will tell you whenever a system is cabled with Valhalla.

Now, is that neutral?