Stealth Audio Dream Petite

Hi, I'm using Stealth's Hybrid MLT. Did anyone heard the new Dream Petite speakercable? Will be upgrading the MLT -which I like A LOT- to this new type.


Matteus, I'm sure the Petite dream is just killer as well! I've never heard that cable but if stealth says it's better than the hybrid then It's got to be great. I really enjoyed the Hybrid!

I compared the Dream to Tara Labs the 0.8, Acoustic Zen absolute, Cardas golden reference, and VD revelation. The dream just seemed right for me in my system.

I did not get a chance to listen to Prana, Jena, or VD Genesis, unfortunately. I pretty much stopped at the Stealth:-) Plus I have stealth throughout my system so it made sense.

Mariasplung, I had VD Genesis in my system and Stealth Dream and Indra replaced it which I greatly prefer, defiantly don't miss the rigidness and sloppy fitting of the VD.
Dev, Thanks thats good to hear. That certianly was a concern with choosing VD. I heard they can be unruly in the ridgid department. Any comment on sound difference?

I had VD Master LE 2.0 speakercable for about two months in my system and compared to the Hybrid MLT, the latter sounds more 'organic' (in my system). The VD had a kind of hardness in the sound, which I don't experience with the Stealth. That's why I'm going up the Stealth line.

Mariasplunge, Stealth sounds totally different than VD. Stealth cables in my system do not add anything, they just connect each component getting out of the way which is what I'm looking for. The VD cables while in my system have this signature like so many other cables out there adding something which over time is annoying. Using VD product the top octaves are restricted compared to Stealth. The sound with VD cables in my system is like something is being held back, the bass too much at times not sounding natural. Regarding cables in general you need to try due to system matching and synergy but to me using the Stealth cables I specifically use they just get out of the way and letting me listen to my components which I'm personally after.

Having a proper snug connection is very critical, think of it like this; if your vehicle had a sloppy battery connection would you leave it that way? no. If you have ever used VD product you would have experienced that their connectors are sloppy fitting (my experience with XLR connectors)well this is not acceptable.