bi wiring

Can anyone tell me what the benifits are for bi wiring speakers. It seems to me that you are accomplishing the same thing as using the jumpers at the binding posts. I can see the benifits of bi amping, just a little confused about bi wiring.
Jeff you know I was just kidding, and for others......... I have talked with Jeff on phone and over emails about a DIY center channel idea....he is great help and a nice guy.
The latest edtion of Hifi Critic (#2) has a very nice article about cables and discusses the biwiring (is that right?) issue in some detail. I won't attempt to rehash the article as I would likely get it wrong but bottom line is the author thinks it worthwile to try *if* your speakers are set up for this, for what seems like real (not metaphysical) audio engineering considerations.
Jeff, I might be a smartass but if I feel misunderstood I try to set the record straight :)