combining different cables

Someone suggested yesterday to me that I should ONLY use -all the same brand or model of cable [interconnects and speaker wire] to get the best sound. I understand this whole deal is about preferences and based on highly subjective belief systems, but does anyone else believe this?

I could see the need to use a varied list of different brands and models, based on the individual performance I would be looking to acheive from a particular component.

Anyone care to jump in?

I've been down both roads, and I feel that using all of one brand/model doesn't matter much. I've had good and bad experiences on either road. There is no one right path in this hobby.

I would recommend someone new to this hobby to buy the basic cables from a single manufacturer just so they could establish a base listening reference from which they could upgrade or change from depending on the move they decided to make.

If I knew the person, was familiar with their system and knew their tastes and intentions, I might recommend a scheme of cables from different companies.

Personally, I've gone back and forth between using a uniform configuration, then readjusting to a hodgepodge of different brands in order to push the presentation in one direction or another.

No set rules here, as long as you don't buy all pink cables, heheh!
In practice, I always used cable and speaker wire from one manufacturer. But, I have learned that system matching of the electronic components may not always be optimized by the same brand of cable. For example, I am using a one half meter Monster Sigma Retro Gold interconnect between my EAD 2000 CD player and EAR 859 SE integrated. This is magic, but while the Sigma speaker cables provide a big soundstage, the loose detail. I have a simple 10' pair of Kimber 4TC speaker cables, and the system just blooms and also has the necessary detail. If I change the interconnect to a one meter pair of Sigma Retro Gold cables, I loose some of the transparency!

The main thing with cables is not to pay attention to the price tags but to what your ears are telling you. Its great if you make a big dollar investment and it yields great results...but recently, I have been disappointed with a pair of Audio Note Lexus cables...overpriced and over hyped for my system. It is all about synergy within the components that you are using, so don't be afraid to experiment! Also, as a Marketing Executive, I have knowledge of how positioning of products and bells and whistles may not be as additive as you might believe they are when you are deciding to shell out the additional $1K for step ups. Best bet, listen to the cables in your system, when you can relax, using CDs or records that you know well, and go by what your ears are telling you...not a sell sheet, reviewer, or some expert.