Cardas or Virtual Dynamics power cords? Opinions?

My system is Ayre Acoustics C5, K1, and Monoblocks. Speakers: Sophia 2s. I am considering new power cords. Which will give me the most benefit, 4 Cardas Golden Reference---or 3 Virtual Dynamics "David 2s" on preamp and amps + a Virtual Dynamics Revelation (old vers.) on CD player?

I find the Genesis intriguing but it is out of reach for many (most?) of us. They do have a rather stiff price of admission you have to admit. But if you can handle it what the hell. They probably sound fantastic!
Islandear- thanks for sharing your experience. Where exactly did you put the dowel? I'm hopeful of using the rear wall as support and measuring the bend to both power conditioner and the CD player (about 18"). I think if I can somehow support the bottom run to the conditioner, MAYBE the rest will hold against the wall. If not, I may have to devise some sort of clamp to hold it against the upper wall near the CD player, altho I really hate to start drilling into walls for a power cord............. Maybe I'll just try super-glue.....
Fplanner, the tripod sits 6" below the level of the IEC, about a foot away, to allow the cable to span the distance between cdp and the Hydra. I had 3 36" oak dowels on hand - pine would work (perhaps another sonic consideration? LOL) - and drilled a hole through them about 6" from the top, connecting them with a 3" screw. I set the Master over the top of the tripod's crotch (is there a better choice of word here?).

Verrrrrry ugly. But it works.

Your idea of using the wall as a support might also work. Superglue would probably work too...just make sure you never want to move anything ever again... Sheesh, the things we do.

If only I were a Luddite.
Ozzy, that was very helpful information -- about the Revelations taking up to 400 hours to fully break in. I'm at about 120 hours on my Revelation speaker cables and the system is still improving noticeably.

Of course, the same applies to my cartridge and tonearm wire, which have about about 100 hours on them and my Purist Aqueous Anniversary phono cable, which has about 60 hours on it. Albert Porter tells me the Aqueous Anniversary takes about 700 hours to fully break in!

I got the Genesis PC to actually hold between my power conditioner and CD player this am. We are closing doors very gently for fear of disturbing the perfect balance. I pre-bent everything and then placed the bulk of the weight on an insulated 4" pipe about 18" long. Took me 1/2 hour to plan and prebend, 10 minutes to install - a new record for VD and me. It has been working for several hours now.....
Initial comparison with EpiphanyX it replaced - no contest - better imaging, depth and width of soundstage, musicality, and most of all, the ability to draw out the soul of the music, especially the bass, much more clearly. I realize this will only get better as the cord settles in, but so far, so good.