Home Depot Ext. Cord for Speaker Cable

I was wondering if anyone who has actually tried this themselves could comment on the results. I currently use 14g Monster wire with mostly McIntosh tube gear.

What might I expect to sound different?

Is it the "Rigid" brand that Home Depot sells that people use?

What do you do with the third wire?

Any other constructive feedback will be appreciated as well. Thanks,
I made a pair, with the Rigid brand extention cord. They worked fine, I for one have never been able to "hear" a difference between speaker cables once I got away from "rca zip cord" and cheap monster cable.
The third wire should be clipped back as far as you can in the covering, the cognicetti "in the know" about the differences of speaker cable say it then acts as a diletric, transducer what ever...:)
I use it for my outdoor speakers. It is waterproof and works fine there. I just snip the third wire at each end and ignore it.

But I wouldn't think of using it inside, not when there's relatively inexpensive alternatives that make sense. Like Speltz cables and such. (I DIY my own stuff, which sometimes can end up more expensive than buying.)

But try it, and if you don't like it just throw them away. Not much lost.

I have a pair that I sometime use. Mine are "Commercial Electric" branded from Home Depot. It is the orange cable with thick black line running the length of the cable.

I connected the black and green wires on both ends together and use it for the (-) side. I use the single white run as the (+) side. It sounds pretty good and only cost about $15 for the experiment.
