Best 1m Interconnect under $100

new or used. some i'm thinking of:

ridge street
vh audio
cardas crosslink
kimber 8tc

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Silent Audio? I tried their cables, but no sound came out.
Would second the JPS ultras. Currently own both Ridge Street and VH Audio- both excellent cables- but the JPS are more versatile in terms of system matching- they don't give up much, especially for the price.
Thanks for the responses. The cable isn't for me. It's for a friend who is building a modest system. Speakers are Quad 22L, driven by a Harmon Kardon receiver and a squeezebox. The interconnect is for between the squeezebox and the HK. He's hoping to move up to an Arcam receiver later this year.

He wants to make an improvement over his no name radio shack interconnect, and isnt' interested in buying a bunch, auditioning and then selling off the losers. It shouldn't be hard to beat a no name interconnect with a quality cable.

BTW, the VH Audio Spectrum is absolutely stunning. Very transparent, but not brittle or cold in any way.
blue jeans cables


Even if you don't buy them, you owe it yourself to read their website in its entirety.