Silver vs Copper cables

I've been reading the forums and noticed a few comments that silver made ic's and speaker cables sound better with solid state equipment. Would this mean copper cables sound better with tubes? Why is this? Thanks.
This will be good.
I think I will make some popcorn and grab a beer and watch this thread. :)

Cables are witchcraft. Period.
Silver, Copper, Palladium, Carbon. Thin wire, thick wire.
Ceramic connectors, plastic connectors, plated connectors, solid connectors, gold connectors, silver connectors, copper connectors. Teflon, cotton, foam, or air insulation.
Lots more design elements...magnets, no shielding, heavy shielding.

It really does come down to what works in your system I think as stated. Try different ones from companies that allow a money back trial period.
Buy used ones that you can resell if they don't work.
Find out the generally believed characteristics of a certain cable which might suggest how it will mate in your system.
It also matters where in the chain it is placed (source>preamp; or premap out>amp).

Very generally speaking-your above example of tubes&copper and SS & silver is opposite of common thought, but it depends on the cable.

Have fun with it.
In my opinion about all you can say concerning this subject is that silver is a better conductor than copper all things being equal.

"In my opinion about all you can say concerning this subject is that silver is a better conductor than copper all things being equal."

Yet, there is significant debate as to whether this quality of being a better conductor necessarily correlates (or is even a critical factor) to a better outcome.

Wait, I need to fill up my popcorn bowl again.


You thrill-seeker, you! Nothin' like stirin' up some good controversy and watchin' the chunks fly. Get in there!

Anybody needing some technical info on cable testing by a non-cable manufacturer, take a peek at Pass Labs web site, and locate the "articles" page (under "products"). Amongst several good topics, is one about speaker cable interaction.

Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with, nor a personal friend of anyone who works there. Although, I do own several of his products.

Okay, continue with the carnage!