Transparent vs Synergistic Research?

I am looking to recable my system. I have...

Ayre V-3 amp
Krell Showcase Pre/Pro
Vandersteen 2Ce Speakers (will upgrade to Quattros)
Arcam DV88

After going through about 10-15 cable lines I was ready to buy Transparent. However, I heard so many good things about Synergistic that I am reconsidering. I would love to hear opinions from those individuals who have heard Transparent and Synergistic on which might be better for my setup. I'd also like to hear why you think it would be better. Thanks for any/all help. I am trying to get cables to audition. Please advise.
I am currently auditioning Transparent Super, Musiclink Balanced, high performance/premium digital cables. I can't tell a difference between the digital cables and the 25.00 audioquest cable I already own. Poor me. But on the other hand, the Super/Balanced cable are outstanding. My reference interconnect is Kimber KCAG. Both the Super/MusicLink balanced outperformed the KCAG. Specifically Transparent sounded fuller/more forward, and acoustical when feeding my manley amps, my LP-12, or coming out of my Benchmark DAC1. The cable nerd has some interesting things to say about Transparent Cable, however I know what I heard and I am 90% sure that I will be purcahsing these cables unless the Nordost audition goes better. Another you may want to evaluate if not already is a Analysis Plus.,
I use Synergistic throughout my system except for the Digital AES/EBU connection. For this I use to use a SR Digtal Corridor Reference and thought it sounded great, but a friend gave me a Transparent Reference and it sounds much better in all regards. In your system you out to be auditioning SR Resolution or Designer Reference I would think.
I have not heard the SR Corridor Reference digital. I have heard the Transparent Reference Digital and thought it was quite good. Have you heard the Synergistic Designers' Reference digital cable? If so, how did it sound in comparison to the Transparent?