help guy backs out of a sale after m.o. is iss

been corresponding with a fellow goner about buying and amp.
agreed on a price ,sent m.o. and guy backs out, claiming after he posted it pending sale, a guy locally offered more money cash, claims he will send my m.o. back .
what is my recourse,
thank you in advance.
an honest newbie.
You can't stop payment on a money order - that's why they are like cash. If you get your money back, give him a negative feedback and be happy it wasn't worse.
Make sure you leave negative feedback. You do have a binding contract with the seller if you agreed on a price and if you had the funds and desire you could take him/her to court and make him honor the deal. Three parts to a contract- an offer, an acceptance, and a condition of sale.
This is why I always use cashier's checks for large purchases. They are easily cancelled if need be. I also use COD for large purchases. I also offer to prepay the shipping so the seller has no risk.

Assuming you get your mo back, I would definitely leave negative feedback. Obviously a few bucks is enough for him to back out of a transaction. I know I don't want to do business with him.

My bank will not stop payment on money order/cashier checks.Only if lost or stolen and then only after I beleive 90 days can it be reimbursed. As mentioned above... it is like cash and works for the seller... that is why so many want payment that way. I received a damaged power cord and could not stop payment. Luckily, I worked out a deal with the buyer otherwise I would have been stuck with damaged goods.Steve
A contract over a nominal amount ($100 ??) is suppose to be in writing to be binding. I wonder if Email constitutes "in writing"? There are no signatures and you cannot verify that the other person is who they say they are. The money is the consideration for the contract; so if he refuses to accept the payment, there might be no contract. I would wait to see if you get your money back before passing judgement.