TW Acustic three motor unit

Since two weeks I have on loan three motor pad from my friends Black Night turntable. Today I have to return it and just switched back to my stock single motor.

When I first runned three motor pad I felt advantages and disadvantages of this unit. The sound become better but not in each aspect.

With three motor pad the bas was deeper and better separated. The attack of large drums in final of Mahler first symphony was simply spectacular. Three motor unit rocks on complex passages. Overal the sound become more dense, better separated and defined but there is a big but...
With three motor pad the airness and openess of the sound decreased and some "music flow" has gone.
The sound become more audiophile correct but a bit less musical at the same time.

Can you share your experience with AC1 vs. AC3 vs. BN motor?
Does anybody preffered AC1 instead BN motor?

I am puzzled.
It seems taht spending a big $$$ is not the way to get analog nirvana.
I must say it to my friend who owns TW Black Night and now is considerng purchasing DaVinci Audio Gabriel turntable...

In_shore - can you tell as what TT is so good?

I just returned TW BN 3 motor unit and borrowed three separate AC motors. Will check the effect within few days.
I have an ac3 and updated to the bn motor last year. Major improvement on all areas. I just recieved the bn platter. That also has produced major improvements. I have the bn feet those are another good upgrade. Now i am finished with tt.

In_shore - can you tell as what TT is so good?

Kenwoods LO7D I believe
11-24-14: Downunder
Keep the AC-1 if you prefer it over the BN motor.

I preferred the original TW Acustik power supply to the BN battery unit. I found the battery unit was too smooth and lost pace rhythm and timing compared to the stk AC-3 unit.


I agree with the above when I went from my AC3 to Black Knight table, I was fooled at first just because of my new purchase BLING "being the Black Knight" feeling it should be superior at more than double the price but quickly realized after sometime in usage wasn't and in the end sold it.