Transfiguration Proteus

Anyone heard or own the new Transfiguration Proteus cart? I've read where it s the replacement for the Orpheus in the new Transfiguration line.
I have an old Temper, the original version of it, and I would guess it probably needs a re-tip in the near future. But I am leery of sending it to Soundsmith due to its unique cantilever setup. Don't know what Transfiguration would charge me to do this, or what they might offer on a trade up for a Phoenix.

What would you do?
Phoenix S is a big step up much better sounding.Go for Phoenix you will be very happy.I had Phoenix but not S which is even better.Enjoy!!
Hard to get idea how Transfiguration compares to other top end cartridges after description you have provided.
It is no surprise that top end model will be best within Transfiguration range.
Titan is known from lack of tonality and shrill sound.
Do you have any comparision to top end Dynavector, Koetsu, Air Tight, Atlas or so?
On the original post, i have a Proteus up and running and its a lovely thing for sure. Compared to my old orpheus it adds a whole load more speed, bite, articulation, slam and dynamics. The treble seems more extended, more real with greater air and the leading edge of bass in particular is much better with just better timing and speed all round. The proteus still has the Orpheus's wonderful unforced sense of naturallness and its still a refined and highly musical non-ostentatious sound, but the soft round politeness has gone and you just feel a fair bit closer to the music, the real thing.