Turntable rumbling

Hello Friends, merry xmas
I have at the moment, a Michell Tecodeck turntable, with a Garrot Bros updated P77 cardridge, I have bought new speakers and amp, Redgum amp, with phono stage, and Usher speakers, I have enjoy the "Break in Stage" of all equipment, as It was so much better, but after approx 50 hours use, all of a sudden the LP,s, have a bass boom, at the start of the LP, and any warped LPs is un playable, I took out the styls, from the cartridge, and seems OK.
All My LP's are mimt no clics and pops!!
The last time I played the LP's was on a Well Tempered Classic, an I had no promblem.
I have set the cartridge, on the correct weight, well the Sure was 1gm out compare to the digital, friends I'm geting upset not good after a heart attack!!
Can someone put me on the right track, as I have just got back into Hi Fi, Where I live down here, on the South Coast of Australia, there is no shop, that deals with Hi-Fi, to get any assistance I have to drive 4 Hours to Sydmey!!
Kindest Regards
David Spry
Dear Davey,
Is anything interfering with your turntable mechanically i.e. anything different such as heavy speaker cables touching the stand(?) or touching the cable feeds to your phono stage or turntable?

Another possibility is temperature changes from when you first aligned the cart?
If it was done in colder conditions and the cart is now many degrees hotter, your VTA may have become noticeably upset? If you are using a Michell Technoarm then altering VTA may be problematic(??)
Also, Davey, try having a look and seeing if the underside of the cart is "bottoming" on the record as you cue it?
Just a thought...?
Moonglum is onto something . Evem though your stylus looks great , you may have a catridge suspension issue . The sagging of the cantilever would cause the cartridge body to hit the raised outer lip of the Record .

This " may " be corrected for by raising the VTA [ raise the rear of the tonearm ] .
Scratch my statement about the Shure cartridge. I'm back on my regular size laptop computer, and can read it better now. Sorry for the Shure brand mistake.
I reread your post. If you're using a Shure M97xe type of cartridge, you may need to set it at around 1.75 grams, if you have the brush/stabilizer in the down position. If you have it in the up position, it appears it should be set at around 1 to 1.25 grams. So maybe your using too little tracking force instead. I would double check the tracking force, and see if it is in the manufacturer's recommended area.

You said 1 gram out, and I'm not sure if you mean off by 1 gram, or set at 1 gram. And, I'm still not sure you are using this type of cartridge. It's hard for me to post an answer if you have a question, due to AudioGon moderators taking extra time to read what I've said. Their friends that sell power cords don't like some of my answers given in the past, causing the extra delay.