Dyna XX-2 MKII vs. Lyra Kleos

I've been contemplating going from my Dyna XX-2 MKII to a Lyra Kleos on my VPI Classic 3. I dug through the archives, but mostly found comparisons between the Delos and Kleos. I would appreciate any insight from someone that has compared the two cartridges, or even if you have compared the Dyna XX-2 MKII to the Lyra Delos or Kleos. Of primary concern, is the bass response, will it be comparable, have the same impact as the Dyna XX-2 MKII? My phono stage is the Avid Pulsus, Amp - Music Reference RM-9 MK II and Wilson Sophia IIs.
Did you ever make a decision on a cartridge? Was it one of these two? I'm considering the Kleos, XX mk II, ZYX Airy 3-X SB and Sumiko Celebration II.
Actually I have the Dynavector XX2 MK II and was debating going to the Kleos. Instead, I ended up purchasing a Jan Allaerts MC1 Boron. I like the Allaerts better than my Dynavector XX2 MKII.  The highs are so much cleaner, the bass is tighter, the imaging is 3D.  On good recordings both cartridges sounded good, but on mediocre recordings, the Allaerts seems to pull out a little more information and increases the enjoyment of listening to that record. It seems like the Allaerts makes EVERY recording sound so much better. The bass is tight, the highs are very free and airy, the sound stage is larger, and not flat, but more front to back three dimensional. Don't get me wrong, the Dyna is no slouch, especially in the bass, but I though the imaging,front to back and mids and highs were sweeter and more enjoyable with the Allaerts. Since I've had the Allaerts on my table for a month I was debating switching back to the Dyna to verify my initial impressions. I will say one thing, having a big block of gold on the end of your tonearm is pretty cool, also super easy to align, I use the Mintlp best protracted and Jan Allaerts has the cantilever perfectly aligned with the gold box, and it basically aligns to symmetrically in the tonearm. The gold box barely protrudes out the front end of the head shell when aligned.
Captain winters- Is the MC1 Boron in the 2K price range, like the XX-2? Also curious about how long it took to get your Allaerts, if you bought new. I heard it can take some time, since it is such a small company. I have been intrigue by the JA cartridges for a while. Thanks in advance.

Jmcgrogan2- What is your TT/arm again. You went from Basis to VPI, right?