Changing from Vinyl to Digital in Brave New World

This is bound to provoke some reactions, and I purposely posted in the analog forum since the digital forum is probably preaching to the converted.
(Maybe I don't want to make the change but enough self-analysis). I've owned and played vinyl since the mid-60's and have had numerous good to great rigs over the years, currently running something that is state of the art, big Kuzma table/Lamms/Avantgarde horns. I still have an old pair of Quad 57's which need restoration and a pair of Crosby Quads that haven't seen a charge since I bought the Avantgardes. And, anywhere from 6-8 thousand records.
Here's the question. I retired recently, and am planning to move (to Austin) where I will continue to work at what I love (ahem, it's music business, but that doesn't have anything to do with quality reproduction, I'm sorry to say).
Chances are, I will go from a big dedicated room to having virtually no space, and while I could store all this equipment and records, I'm just not sure it makes sense. (No this is not a subliminal ad for my record collection, not yet, anyway).
So, I'm struggling here with what to do, systemwise. Let's assume that I want small, in the sense of not taking up physical space, and I don't have room for all the vinyl, so I have to go 'digital.' And, to make it really challenging, I'm not going to do a complex system- maybe a very good pair of stereo speakers that don't take up much room, a good integrated (I've been using tubes since the early 70's but if I'm willing to go this far, wouldn't rule out something solid state) and a digital source- everything I've read seems to suggest that good digital sources are in a state of flux, and the standards for hi rez digital files are not fully settled. So I guess the main import of the question has to do with sources other than vinyl- i never really liked CDs for the home but could cope with computer audio if I don't have to spend my time reformatting files. Lastly, I could (and still plan) to refurbish the old Quads at some point, just because they are so iconic and could run them with the ML 2 Lamms, some OTLs or something less esoteric (Atmasphere 60's). But would be interested in views, from the analog crowd. (Let's not use this as a dump on digital thing since that won't help me sort out my thoughts).

Bill hart
Jfrech: I agree this is a good thread. In the past I have always gotten help on A-gon, on issues as mind-numbing as component and electrical system grounding. For that I thank all of you. Some chat groups I have been part of (cars in particular) always seem to degenrate into a pissing contest, and here, even if there is disagreement, people seem pretty thoughtful. (I'll also email you separately because I'd love to talk about Austin). Peter, the SME and the Mini II sound like things I'll want to explore. Thanks for reminding of the SME and the Magicos, well, I have not heard them. I remember when the original big speaker came out, followed by the Mini, and at the time there were few small monitors at that price point. JohnnyB- will also check out the NEAT if I can; for what it's worth, the horns I am currently using don't allow a nearfield experience and the need to have a big triangle for speakers and sweet spot is part of the space problem I am concerned about.
I won't dump anything just yet. The equipment, once it gets broken down, will likely go to my dealer/friend to store, and if I say 'sell', he can do so. If I say 'ship' he'll probably just come on down to help me set up.
Rtilden: Yep, to cull, I'll have to go through them all. But, you'd laugh if you saw how quickly I was cutting through the stuff in our basement.
Learsfool, I took you seriously. My suspicion is that once I start culling, I could get rid of alot, and maybe I just separate into a few categories, box them accordingly, and know that if and when I decide to get rid of some, they have already been pre-sorted. Some are just stupid: like the complete set of RCA food themed records : Music for a Backyard BBQ will stay with me given my destination, but Music for a Chinese Dinner at Home, well, I don't think I need it. Flamenco Table Dancing cut Direct to Disc? Not alot of nuance. That Billy Holiday record recorded at an active airport, where you can hear planes taking off in the background? Not her best performance.
What about all those Harry Pearson list records- some of the Mercury's I'd keep. I think I have almost all of the Lyritas, a few I listen to. I bought all the MF half speed masters at the time they were released: Abbey Road, LZII, DarkSide, along with a bunch of other audiophile half speed masters, Direct to Disc, etc. Some of them aren't musically that interesting, although they may have audiophile value. Tons of old RCAs, Deccas, etc. some of which I'd keep. I should probably catalog them at the same time i'm going through them, but that's not likely to happen.

02-29-12: Jfrech
My only point of contention on the posters above is a killer good sacd transport still beats hi rez computer, at least in my system. SACD's are plentiful if you listen to classical or a bit less plentiful on jazz. Some of my Jazz SACD's that originated from master tape are my best sounding sources.
Thanks for weighing in on this. I eagerly anticipated the arrival of SACDs, but I haven't been all that impressed by them. I'm probably not listening to the right SACD player. My home machines are very entry-level--a Sony changer and an Oppo DV980H. Still, I auditioned SACDs on a $5500 Linn CD/SACD player and it still sounded threadbare compared to the matching LP (played on a Linn TT through the same signal chain and speakers).

What are some good SACD players these days? Thanks in advance.
Just had to go through the same thing, and I wound up with tubes (PrimaLuna mono amps) and NOLA Boxer speakers, with a Primare CD player. I still have a turntable, but the record collection has been dramatically reduced.

CD playback has come a long, long way. I like the Primare quite a bit, and could even be happy with it as my main source if I had to.

Good luck with the quest.
In reading this excellent thread, it occurred to me that such an extensive vinyl music collection as yours represents a true labor of love and may contain many works that will be all but impossible to find for digital repurchase. Given this issue and the fact that you also own a state-of-the-art analog source, consider adding one of the better Analog-to -Digital processors to your arsenal of transition tools for ripping your own high resolution files. One possibility might be something like the Ayre Acoustics QA-9 due out this spring that should support LPCM to 24/192 and also DSD.
In any event, wishing you best of success in your new ventures.
Peterayer has my vote. If you have to go to texas, Austin is not bad.

On the digital side it's really come a long way and the convenience will spoil you from day one. A newish Mac Mini and Pure Music software is where my recommendations end. The rest is a matter of time on the internet and diligent homework with you budget as a guid.

Some words of caution. The subjective words you've learned and lived with in the analog world such as "improvement, sounds much better than, a whole new level, and an obviously audible difference," are on a much smaller scale in the digital world.
The word asynchronous needs to qualified. Jitter is a ghost but its real. BNC can be 50 ohms or 75 ohms.

It's become obvious to me that the idea of fidelity in the digital community is different. Not that it's a bad thing or that they are all this way. It's just when you read a glowing comment you really need check the system background on that individual.

I ran across one guy who is very intelligent, well read, very knowledgable of many things digital, and thought highly of by his piers. Only to find out his only system is made up of sound cards driving some questionable powered speakers.

A few manufactures that might be a safe starting point for comparison and white papers: Empirical Audio, Wavelength Audio, Ayre, Metrum Acoustics.

Retirement, you wake up with nothing really to do, by noon your behind.
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