Official fix for Project TT rumble now available

The "S/E Upgrade Kit" from Pro-ject has now been launched that will put to bed, once and for all, any problems with low level rumble noise on affected Pro-ject turntables.

The kit comprising a replacement pulley and belt and rubber isolating grommets and screws costs £25 and is available from Henley Designs in the UK.

I was given access to the kit two days ago and the installation was simple, taking less than ten minutes. It is brilliant.

I have written an instruction guide and posted a full review on my blog at :
Apalling that a "stereophile quality" turntable would be marketed with audible rumble, and more apalling that the company would charge their customers for a few grommets and a replacement belt to fix what should not have been a problem in the first place.
07-29-11: Mcfarland
"Apalling that a "stereophile quality" turntable would be marketed with audible rumble, and more apalling that the company would charge their customers for a few grommets and a replacement belt to fix what should not have been a problem in the first place."
Mcfarland (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

Was thinking the same thing. It's not like it is an upgrade but rather repairing a design flaw.

Agree completely with Has2be, it is not an upgrade, but a repair. I own a RM6SB and made the repair and it completely transformed the sound from the turntable. However, this has been a disappointment in two areas. The first is about the industry. There are a slew of audio reviewers that have given these poorly-designed motor-suspended turntables great reviews, and these accolades came from authorities who have hi-end "associated equipment." I have a medium end associated equipment system and was able to detect the problem almost immediately.
The second is that I the consumer had to discover and fix the problem on my own. I was fortunate to come into this toward the end, but there are many who spent time and money on replacing motors, spindles, and belts that were never broken.
Regarding Henley Designs, they are a distributor of Pro-ject and their parts, not Pro-ject. Henley worked with audiophile Alan from AppleChap to develop the fix. Alan is the real hero in this story. As far as I know, Pro-ject the company has not taken responsibility for the problem.
So the moral of this story is you will have to spend money to fix your Pro-ject turntable, but the real moral is that whenever you mention your Pro-ject turntable you will need to refer to it as a "motor-suspension fixed" Pro-ject.....