The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?

I second your opinion. One of the top 5 for sure. I have heard them multiple times at shows. Simply amazing. But they aren't tolerant of the wrong equipment. I want to hear a big version one day in a big room. That is what I would jump on. Although in a medium room the bass is plenty.

They are special with amazing highs, and great dynamics. The question is can they rock to all music? I want to hear them again.
Just heard the Wilson Sophia - and it was twice as much as I wanted to spend. But it was amazing. Might have raid the college fund. Heard it against a pair of avalon, bw 804 and 803. Am going back to hear a watt puppy 7.

Any feedback on Wilson audio?
Lloydelee21, what I loved about the Kaiser Kawero was their wonderful natural tone and their spookily real soundstage (they created a terrific image that was deep and behind the speakers...with my eyes closed, I felt like the musicians were really BS when I say that, because few speakers I have heard do it convincingly, despite claims to the contrary.) They had very satisfying bass that went deep but did not seem artificial, overwhelming, or overemphasized. They sounded great with every genre of music played in the room. Unfortunately, the LessLoss vendor was mainly playing jazz and classical, with only a little blues thrown in. So hard to know how they would sound playing rock. I suspect they would sound great.
Mcondon - thanks for taking the time! Sounds intriguing. Intrigued by the ribbon? tweeter. I have seen many a discerning audiophile speak of these speakers...i have heard they are coming out with an all-out assault speaker to compete with the likes of XLF and Q7. Should be out later this year...presumably much bigger and much more capable of serious bass.

Would love to hear a Kaiser.
Jmaffia, tell me what you like better when Wilson Sophia's or the Wilson Watt Puppy's 7.
My favorite color of the Watt Puppys was in Bugatti Blue.
Here's a pic.