6922 vs. 6DJ8 vs,7308

Are these tubes interchangeable? I have all tubed systems, and the time has come for me to replace them with newer ones. Can I switch one from the other? What is their difference in terms of voltage use, quality, etc...
thanks to all of you who are techno scholars, you have been super helpful!!
If you read the tube manuals, there are differences in specs between the 3 types. Generally, for use in audio circuits, they are pretty interchangable. But not identical.

Add this to Clueless' list: http://www.audioasylum.com/scripts/d.pl?audio/faq/joes-tubes.html#6DJ8
A circuit that requires a 7308 may not be able to use a 6DJ8. A circuit that can use a 6dj8 can use a 7308. They are electrically different.
I would caution against the over reliance on any "pecking-order" with respect to "good-better-best" with these tubes. Aside from synergy with particular components, there is variability between brands and even between types within brands. For instance, I had a set of military-grade Telefunken 6dj8's that were much sweeter and less microphonic than MANY of the 7308's, 6922's, and Cca's that I also tried. Also, don't let anyone fool you into thinking that all gold-pins are better than all steel pins.