Esoteric K-05 or K-07?

Can anyone explain any sonic differences between these two players?

Looking for a lush sound with plenty of dynamics and detail.

@ jmcgrogan2, Hi, How would you describe the sound of the esoteric models you did listen to?,, cheers!
Maybe not relevant to this thread since I have never listened to the K series but I did have the X-03 and the P3/D5 combo. I would describe the sound I heard as very clear, detailed and dynamic. Perhaps the filters available on the K series can help change the sound but I felt that something emotional was missing with the Esoteric. I was never drawn into the music. Perhaps the rest of my system was not properly matched to take advantage of the Esoteric's strengths. I now have a Luxman D-06 which I am enjoying immensely.
X series was amusical. K series is most certainly musical. --i covered this in my review of the P/D02 on UltraAudio.

i'd have never owned an X series. In contrast, i'd love to have a K01.
@ Tboooe, Does Luxman make a player with volume control to be used direct to amplification?, cheers!