Canada Rocks: 70s lost lps pt 2...

Our friends to the North who guzzle beer and impart violence on each other on skates..on ice...with sticks...have a quirky rock heritage...Prism, Saga, Triumph, Trooper, etc...any other "under the radar" Canucks that rock?
April Wine, and they are still going at it. I am seeing them at my local small venue.
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FM (also see "Nash the Slash"), and Frank Marino/Mahogany Rush are two contemporaries that immediately come to mind given your list. Saga's debut LP is one of my favorites. A lot of great metal and hard rock from up there as well.
I'll add to the above...

Three Days Grace, if you can handle some seriously angry rock. Blue Rodeo is an excellent country-rock band with a dozen records to their credit, what's taking so long for them to be embraced in the U.S.? Saga's live album is a must have, even if the recording was horrible. Kim Mitchell came from Max Webster, worth checking out. How about Bruce Cockburn for scintillating political commentary put to music, Leonard Cohen for the best poet of the last 100 years, and Aldo Nova (who's music was average but his production abilities second to none). Corey Hart and Nickelback suck (really suck). I'll say again, they suck. How about Bachman Turner Overdrive (BTO) or Bryan Adams for pop music? The Box was a fun band, but the reliance on keyboards can grind you down some.

For those of you that like to expand their horizons and can deal with French music, Offenbach was an absolutely awesome blues based band (as is the Downchild Blues Band), Harmonium was the French CSNY. And yes, there's the Hip :) There's many more, I'm just shooting off the hip.