Denon DP-59L TT - straight arm or s-shaped arm?

For the Denon DP-59L table, which arm do you prefer the straight arm or the s-shaped arm and why? For those using the s-shaped arm, would appreciate you choice of cartridge/s. I am currently using a straight arm with an Audio Technica AT-150MLX cartridge into a Creek OBH-15 phonostage/Krell S-300i int. amp/Dynaudio Focus 140 speakers and am wondering if the s-shaped arm would provide any overall improvement in my sound. Thanks for all responses..
Elizabeth, Can you define "modern high compliance cartridge"? To most vinylphiles, "modern" = moving coil, and real "high compliance" = moving magnet or moving iron. Your phrase is kind of an oxymoron, unless you divulge your definitions of the two terms.
I have the straight tonearm on my denon DP this heavy enough for a dynavector xx2 cartridge. I have the small counterweight.

Hello I have the straight arm with the small counter weight on my denon DP 59 L. I would like to use a dynavector XX2. Can anyone tell me how I can accomplish this. Is the cartridge to heavy for the arm.