How long for cartridge break-in?

I have Dynavector 10x on a Rega P25 table with acrylic platter and upgraded bearings and have meticulously aligned the cartridge, adjusted VTA, using a Herbies TT mat and TT Weights center weight, etc.

However, my BCD1 CDP still sounds significantly better in terms of imaging, focus and bass impact.
I was expecting more from the TT. I have only 25 hours on the cartridge and I'm hoping more hours will refine the sound. Both the TT and CDP are being run through a McIntosh C2200 preamp.
Any recommendations, observations, reassurances?
Ag insider logo xs@2xjgiacalo
Your problem is the Rega's lack of proper speed stability and its large amout of stylus drag. As for break-in, I suggest a very powerful 45RPM dance single with heavy bass modulation. Turn the volume down and play it over and over a few times each day. This will accelerate break-in tremendously.
Remember to re-adjust VTA with break in. Also when you adjust your VTA it changes your tracking force so that need to be checked and adjusted with each change.
Good luck!