Help. Wife says Teres 340 Is too bright.

My Teres 340 is equipped with a Origin Live Illustrious 3 arm and Benz Ebony L cart. The rest of my system is listed.
I think the TT combo sounds great. She does too, but says the highs are just a little bright. I have played with VTA but that has not fixed the problem though she says we were headed in the right direction with tail lowered.

She says that we had the Scoutmaster just right prior to buying the Teres. Funny thing is that I thought the SM was a tad bright on certain albums. But she didn't. Now I think the 340 is just right but she thinks it bright on some recordings.

The only component that I can think that would be causing this is the tonearm. I cannot imagine the Benz Ebony L as bright. Nor do I think it is the Teres. I really think we (wife & I) need to have our ears calibrated so as to agree on brightness. But since that isn't going to happen, I suppose I should figure out how to please us both. So, do you think I'm on the right track with the tonearm being the culprit? What tonearm would give a warmer presentation? Thanks for your help
I can almost guarantee that your wife is most likely correct. Woman usually have better hearing the male counter part.
The Teres AND the Illustrious are leaps ahead of the SM. Sorry to disappoint others. Dont think that changing two major parameters is not going to make a difference. You changed THE turntable, AND tonearm. Experiment with cables. If you would like to email me, I could inform you about an excellent choice in cables for that arm.
That's why I say to change your interconnects. Your silver interconnects have very low capacitance and you need to try some different ones to try different cartridge loads. Many women will hear these differences immediately and instinctively. I suggested the Black Mambas because not only are they a [i]little[/i] higher in capacitance (which may be just enough), they are also very smooth. You will also find that if you fix it to her satisfaction, you will also enjoy the system more over time and find it more musically involving.