Basis Ovation / 2500 vs Sota Cosmos IV

Hi all:

I am looking to upgrade from a older Sota Star Sapphire and these have made my short list. (I know the Ovation is no longer available)

Anyone have experience with these ?
Basis Ovation
Basis 2500
Sota Cosmos IV

From what I hear, the Basis are very well made and machined.

Thanks in advance.
I should have added that one advantage of Basis is that A.J. is a really nice guy besides being a top designer and he will take great pains to help you.
Rcprince- thanks for your comments.

Has anyone had the chance or know how a newer Basis table (say a 2001, 2500, 2800) would compare to a Ovation ?

Thanks in advance
IO - check out the Basis 2200 signature also. I will echo Ebm - service from AJ Conti second to none,
Everything that was said about Basis is true and can also be said about Sota. Its 2 slightly different flavors, either way you have a world class turntable and great service. The sound will have as much to do with arm/cartridge synergy as anything else. I have the Cosmos and have listened extensively to the Basis and would be completely happy with either one.