BEST cartridge money can buy?

i know the best, depends on this or that. still the cartridge best able to remove all there is in those grooves with the most accurate, cleanest sound possible. the cartidge that all other should be compared too. the reference of references. the one that has never been bettered? the cartridge one lusts after? if you must base on a system fine but i preferr the one that no matter what tt, stage or any other item down the chain can not be bettered? if you have multiple ties top 3 or 5 in desending order. please by expereance and actual listening knowledge.
Very good to see another who likes the Signet TK-10, I like(d) it so much I had one of them van den Hul tipped. I always wanted to try varying capacitor loads with it. I have a love-hate relationship with the Koetsus. I had my Urishi for sale but then pulled it after a sale fell through. I've had ProIVs and Rosie Siggis but the older I get the more detail I desire. Of course, next year I'l feel just the opposite. I find that cartridges are like women...

"Best of" thread are senseless and seldom show any form of unanimity.

You'll receive dozens of answers each with its' own merits.
Rauliruegas, you the man. Three turntables, nine tonearms, and a bunch of nice cartridges. Can't say I have ever seen anything like that.
This type of question comes up all too often. I'm glad to see Raul and Audiofeil comment so I'm not the lone curmudgeon!

Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla, Fords or Chevys (MB or BMW), blonds or redheads??? If might be nice for such a simple standard but since we are individuals, having different standards, perceptions, experiences, etc. means that identifying any single best audio component is impossible, not withstanding claims on the cover of Stereophile. 8^)
best is a bad word to belongs on magazine covers where no one will take it seriously.

for years i enjoyed the vdH Colibri.....i owned 6 different Colibri's. i felt it was more detailed and energetic than any other cartridge i had heard. i still feel that way. when everything is ideal it has that magical connection. but my tastes evolved and i have found that the Colibri seems too is transcendant on the perfect Lp; but has too much high end energy for many Lps (and many listeners). it requires perfect set-up.

for a small group of Lps it might be hard to beat.

so to find the ideal cartridge involves finding the best compromise. or it involves multiple tt's, arms, and cartridges (which is my current direction).

currently i like the Lyra Olympos as an ideal all around performer among cartridges i have listened to in my system. but it cannot equal the Colibri on certain Lps.

so which is better? who can say? even in my own limited experience i cannot pick out a 'best'.

there are many cartridges out there which i have not heard so i would not have any idea of which would be my favorite.