Experience w/ Trans-Fi Auio Terminator Tone Arm?

How many of you have the Trans-Fi Auio Terminator Air Bearing linear Tone Arm? Or the older Trans-Fi Evolution Tonearm. What is your experience with this arm, how satisfied are you with this arm, and how does it compare with other tonearms you have tried?

I am seriously thinking of getting the Terminator for my VPI Super Scoutmaster with Rim Drive, but have no experience with linear tone arms. I have found just one person on Audiogon who has this arm and loves it. This fact is somewhat confusing to me, since if the arm is so great, as some people say it is, you would think more people on Audiogon would have it or at least tried it out.
Watch this space; I'll let you know how it works on my Origin Live Aurora Gold Mk.II with a Cartridge Man Music Maker III--it'll be taking the place of the highly regarded Origin Live Encounter Mk.II arm. Mine's on the way right now, should be here next Monday. Pics here of the brand new version, with adjustable VTA-on-the-fly: http://www.audioasylum.com/audio/vinyl/messages/83/837110.html

Trans-Fi has a 30-day money back guarantee, no questions asked. Vic, the owner/creator, is really nice and the most patient guy I've dealt with in audio in many years.

Air bearing linear trackers worth their salt have been too expensive to filter into the dirty mainstream where Regas rule. And, if you have ten thumbs and wouldn't know which end of a hammer to use and haven't been around turntables long, then an airbearing arm can become daunting and too fiddly. Me, I'm off to build a nice little acoustic isolation box out of hardwood for my Rena Air 400 aquarium air pump that arrived today--it's already amazingly quiet, but I want to see how far I can take it.
I have been intrigued with this arm design as it is a low pressure arm vs the high pressure arm i use with my maplenoll. I have not owned one of the premier pivot arms but have owned tables with rega and stock arms on duals and denons. My linear tracker meets all of my expectations.
The system using a air compressor, filters and surge tank were a pain to set up but once i solved that problem, i have an arm that can handle most any record and any cartridge. I love the fact there is no tracking error, no antiskate and floats over most any wavy or warped record. I know this is offtopic since the question is about the terminator arm but the concept is sound and the manufacturing seems solid. This have been discussed on AA and DIY forums many times. You might try these for more info
It's about 4 months I am on the swimming pool edge and uncertain if plunge or not. From what I read this should be one of the best arm regardless price. I remember somebody stating it is better than even Grahams/SME etc etc.

Why I don't open the wallet yet? I am not that good in setting unknown things and a parallel tracker gives me the feeling that I will be in trouble in setting it. Reading instructions there was a note about the possibility of cartridge jumping or skipping while setting it up. This really scared me, although Vic indicated it is a possibility not a certainty.

Kristian, please I would love to read your feedback specifically about the setting it up.
Cheers everybody
I too have that trepidation about setting up things unknown. but once i've saved up enough cash, will take the plunge....with a cheap cartridge! hahaha :) Seriously.

Many ppl have expressed gr8 satisfaction with this arm, just not on this forum. As has been mentioned, try the DIY boards or those from the UK... more users there i believe.