RS A1 Labs rewire

I once read a thread here whereby someone had done a rewire on their
RS A1 Labs stock tone arm resulting in an improved sound. I have had this arm
for several years and replaced the stock wire with same from the factory. I have tried but have never found a wire light enough to replace it with for an upgrade
in sound . I also understand that they went from cartridge leads straight to
the pre amp inputs. I would appreciate it if anyone can shed some light on this.

So THAT was the problem I was having! Live and learn. No, for the slow learners out there (sorry), you use the gum massager to hook the, er, hook on the RS-A1. A lot easier for me at least than using a finger. Dave
Sounds like the Acrotec would be just as hard to work with as the A-M stuff, given that it's 46 ga vs. 41 ga. At least it's copper, which melts at around 200 F. higher.