Is the KAB Fluid Damper worth it if...

...that is the only mod you purchase for a technics 1210? My setup will consist of a 3" maple platform with brass footers replacing the existing ones. I really don't think I could do the rewire myself, and I don't really want to send my turntable into KAB. With just the purchase of the damper would this rig be able to get the most out of higher end cartridges?--Cheers
07-09-08: Radioheadokplayer
The bottom of the heavyfeet is only a small point so not the last word of stability
Yeah, but that's the point of spikes or cones--terminating in a small point. Spikes and cones are everywhere and it's not like components and speakers are tipping over and falling over throughout the audio world.

The weight of the component is concentrated on those 4 small points. In the case of an SL12x0 turntable plus the Heavyfeet, you have 30 lbs. concentrated on the area of four points. That means the pressure from above is highly concentrated, and it's why components don't usually wobble when set on cones.
Has anyone tried using the threaded Megafoot instead of the Heavyfoot? Is it worth the additional cost?
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I just got the KAB Fluid Damper 2 days ago. I am using the Ortofon 2M Blue cartridge which is not particularly finicky, nor is it a naturally great tracker.

In my case, the fluid damping is a major, major improvement in performance. Spitty sibilants have been all but eliminated, and hard-to-track vocals no longer seem to present a challenge to the cart.

I have a thread in which I've posted before and after needle-drops. I'm posting the fluid-damped samples as I type this. You can download them here.