DRT XV1s Vs Orpheus Vs Shelter Harmony Vs 47 Labs

Hello. I am wondering if anyone can provide some recommendations on the cart's listed above, (I know that's a lot)? I currently am running an Ortofon Jubilee on a Graham Phantom with a TW Acustic Raven AC turntable and Tron 7 phono stage.

I can get a relatively reasonable price on the Dynavector, Transfiguration 47 Labs and Shelter but of course, have heard none of them. I suppose my only restriction is it must be low output as my phono stage requires it and I'm not interested in changing it, (about .2 to .7 mV).

I am looking for something that ideally has a full harmonically complete sound, (not overly warm but real sounding), with a good sounstage and very good dynamics.

I mainly listen to Jazz and contemporary music, (British Sea Power, The Mountain Goats, Spoon, Arcade Fire, etc...), with a little bit of Classical.

My system is posted and thank you in advance for your thoughts.


actually, you are correct in terms of the published spec referenced @3.54cm/sec; Jtim is correct in terms of the more common reference @5cm/sec.

dealer disclosure.

Piedpiper - thanks for the follow-up. Bill - I think the number given for a manufacturer's output measurement is likely based on the choice of test equipment they have on hand. For an 'apples to apples' comparison I use the 0.68mV output figure because the output measurement published for many/most cartridges is based on the CBS 'standard' rather than the JVC 'standard', Manufacturers should include which scale they use when publishing the measured performance. Transfiguration does, but many do not, and simply assume the CBS scale Here's conversion info.

The beauty of standards is there are so many to choose from. heh.

I was wondering if you posted the results anywhere for the review of the four phono stages? If not, would you care to share with us how the various phono stages compared with the Orpheus?
Tim,you are certainly correct in how you view the amazing performance of the Orpheus.Mine is still not broken in,but absolutely leaves me speechless(you know how hard that is,for me-:),as to it's ability do do almost anything called for on my LP's.If it got no better than now,I'd still be ecstatic!!
I agree with the above responses re: the Jubilee. The OP's rig and phono stage are worthy of a much better cartridge. I had a friend's Jubilee in our system for nearly a month, on and off (mostly off!). Not fair putting it up against our UNIverse, but I've heard far less costly cartridges that I'd put ahead of the Jubilee, at least on a TriPlanar.

...full harmonically complete sound, (not overly warm but real sounding), with a good sounstage and very good dynamics.
Of the cartridges listed, I agree the Orpheus is the clear best choice. Of the cartridges not listed, the ZYX UNIverse or Atmos should have been. ;-)