Synergistic Research's Tricon Phono Cable

I'm trying different cables between my TT and Phono preamp. I've tried Nordost Valhalla and now use Purist Audio Venustas, both sound nice, but since most of the cabling I use is Synergistic Research I was wondering if anybody has experience with the SR Tricon phono cable. I don't see much info about them.

I am in the midst of demoing a few dedicated phono cables by way of the Cable Company, the phono cables are as follows:

Audience E Version AU24 RCA
Cable Research Lab RCA
Synergistic Research Tricon RCA

I won't get into all the audiophile adjectives and explanations, just some overall thoughts. I started with the Audience E and it was outstanding off the bat. This cable is also in my opinion the best looking as well. I listened to LP after LP to get a good feel for this cable.

I then tried the Cable Research Lab, this was not quite as good as the Audience but no slacker. I also didn't care too much for the large mechanical looking connectors. I preferred the Audience for it's better sonic abilities.

In between the demo I did some research to see what others were saying about each of these cables when I stumbled on this thread.

I tried the Synergistic Research and immediately knew it was a home run! It was unbelievable what I was hearing, basically what everyone was saying is true. You hear more into the music, beautiful timbre, wider soundstage, imaging, absolutely gorgeous! I must say a no brained in my opinion. The only thing, not a major thing, but the ground wire being connected the way it is to the cable is a little odd. I get the technology behind it and it works, it just looks odd and can be somewhat troublesome to connect. I actually ran a separate ground cable and found that the SRs sounded better with its ground cable connected.

To make a long story short, I will be purchasing this cable first thing next week.

I also did a similar shoot-out of phono cables using the cable company cables and also felt the synergistic tricon analog was the most balanced and dynamic.
I just compare Tricon and Vortex from Synergistic against my Sixstream plus from Clearaudio.

Tricon is tonally neutral, really good focus, wide scene, black backness, not very deep bass and not very scene height. Fast sounding cable, really good silence-between-notes.