Micro Fiber Cloth for Record Cleaning

Anyone using these? Someone on the Steriophile forum suggested that they're superior to carbon fiber brush. I bought a bag of 25 at Sam's today and started using them. They do indeed seem to get down in the groves. I played several brand new records which I hadn't scrubbed with Disc Doctor fluid and brushes and all were VERY quiet. I tried wiping the carbon fiber brush with micro fiber cloth and it did seem to clean the brush well, but the brush didn't grab into the grooves as well.

Be careful. One slipped out my hands and went spinning toward my one-hour old Sumiko Blackbird. Thankfully I grabbed the cloth before it wrecked the bird.

I use the softest cloth around. Under garments from the local religion in the area. Of coarse they are NOT holly once I receive them. Lint free however, and great for the black circle .............
If trying a microfiber, first "scrub" only the smooth, shiny dead wax area of a pristine record that you don't care too much about. If cleaning swirls show up then the rag is not suitable for use. I have tried a couple of different ones and found they both were very rough on the vinyl, but this was a few years ago and the fibers may be different now.

re: carbon fiber brushes - they are not adequate alone, they "herd" the dirt really well to one location but cannot pick it all up, leaving a lot of micro-dust behind. If I use a carbon fiber, I follow it by a sweep with a damp old-school brush to remove the leftovers.
I've started dampening my micro fiber cloth with distilled water. Just a few drops here and there and then put it in a ziplock style bag.

Dampening does two things, it seems to clean even better and it doesn't add as much static. I still follow with the Zerostat, but it's much less needed.

Just to reiterate, I start with the carbon fiber brush and the Zerostad, then I follow with the damp micro fiber cloth and end with the Zerostad. This works very well indeed.

I buy my micro fiber cloth at Sam's Club. The brand is Hometex.

After about 8 months making do with a cotton diaper and sometimes a Discwasher to get lint and dust off a record, I finally spent the $25 to get a Hunt EDA brush. It was better than the diaper as it took the lint off, got down in the groove, and seemed to de-stat the record a bit as well.

About 2 weeks later I got a 25-pack of 16"x16" 90,000 fiber/sq.in. microfiber cloths at Sam's for $10. They work so much better it's not even funny. The Hunt EDA brush just sits now. I still have no static electricity issues.

And when I want to deep clean, such as when I get a noisy record from a thrift shop, I use a handheld steam cleaner and these cloths to wipe 'em down. I often use them in conjunction with a spray-on record cleaner. Since getting some spray-on record cleaner and these microfiber cloths, keeping my records clean has no longer been a hassle or an issue.