I'm about two days from ordering one and want to make sure they are that good. Thoughts? I'm thinking of using a origin live silver & Shelter 501 cart. Thoughts?
I currently have a Cosmos I and a Star III. Have owned the Nova and I think the ability to adjust the vacuum level manually is a big plus.The auto sensing circuit in the Nova and Cosmos sometimes needs to be adjusted and it is a little more difficult as you have to open up the pump unit.I have had half a dozen Sotas and the Star is my favorite.The difference in sound between this and the Nova will be negligable,and used the tables are worth about the same.The Star is what they have been famous for throughout history.
thanks for input. Yeah, I called VPI and really wasn't impressed with them. I do like the sound of the tables but SOTA seems amazing when I've called. They e-mail back are very friendly and willing. That's what I like.

Most importantly though, the sound. I'm unable to listen to them but everyone tells me go for it!!! You will NOT be disappointed with the NOVA. So here I go...
Don't fear bro, The SOTA's are kick ass good.

I have never "come back" to vinyl as I "never left". I have owned Garrards, JVC's, Thorens 125 and 126 (still have the 126), have a lot of chair time with friends and heard all kinds of working man's wages types of tables, Dual, Empire, Sony, Technics, etc, and when I got a plain old Sapphire a few years back, I found a great table at a wonderful price/performance ratio.

So much so, that I have a Cosmos in right now being brought up to the Series IV. That is it for me, I am done, and I elected not to trade in the sapphire for credit towards the Cosmos/upgrades as I don't want to part with it.

No knock on VPI as they have been in the game a good long time and have a dedicated group of adherents and by all accounts they are great tables. I would actually love to compare/contrast if I had the chance.

But from experience SOTA is a class act all the way around. A great product from a great company.

Have Fun!!
I've owned a series 3 deluxe for about 10 yrs. It began life as a Star but was upgraded in 92 at Romeoville. Last year the power unit developed a loud hum and had to send it for repairs. I bought mine used with mounted sme-v arm for about 2k. Have since replaced the original sumiko cartridge with a goldring Excel VX with good results. I recently sent the whole rig up to Illinois for a complete checkout and upgrade recommendation. The bearing was occasionally making a slight ticking noise. That was 2 months ago. I am still waiting to hear from them.
Hi All, i currently have Sota purchased new in 1999 with SME V and Dynavector XV1's. I am trading it in for the new Cosmos Series IV. Before the Nova i owned a Star Saphire. Steelhead is right. You are getting a top shelf TT for peanuts (so to speak). Look up Paul Seydor's review of the SME 20, SME 30 and Sota Cosmos on the TAS. See Paul Bolin's review in Sterophile as well. I rest my case.
I do not know how someone can live without a vacuum hold down system on their TT. The best, most effective system to flatten a warped record and i mean any kind of warps.
Indeed, Kirk and Donna are a real pleasure to deal with and if you ever have a problem with your TT they will take care of it.
You will not be dissapointed.