Will an RCM make the Rice Krispies go away?

The two step RRL cleaning process and my Nitty Gritty make a big improvement in lowering record noise and enhancing clarity. However, there are some records that still have varying degrees of "snap, crackle and pop"! Is this residual dirt, a damaged record, a manufacturing defect? I'm thinking about investing in a Loricraft but am wondering if this instrument will cure the cereal syndrome.

A corresponding issue is the greater degree of noise on initial tracks. I notice the closer the record is to the end, the less noise. Does anyone else find this unusual?

As always, your insight is most appreciated.
FWIW I've found that phono preamps with feedback, particularly transistor units, will often enhance ticks and pops. When I started listening to zero feedback (passive EQ) preamps, I found that my LPs were a lot quieter than I had thought they were.

I'll second Psychicanimal's comment. Sharp, intermittent clicks and snaps that bear no relation to the music can often be removed by an enzyme-based cleaner. I use RRL fluids too, but Vinyl-Zyme (or something similar) is also an essential step. Neither RRL nor any other non-enzymatic cleaner will remove certain biologicals, and these often make "snap, crackle, pop" noises. Try it.

Ralph's (Atmasphere) observation is also consistent with my experience. The better the phono stage the less it rings and emphasizes the sudden transients of certain record surface flaws. Some cartridges are also much quieter in the groove than others. As Thom suggested, posting your system would ennable others to comment more specifically about that.

Don't give up!

P.S. A Loricraft is a large improvement over a NG, or any machine with vacuum wands and felts. I strongly recommend them. But if you're throwing money around throw a few bucks at some Vinyl-Zyme first. You'll need it no matter what RCM you use.
So it seems Vinyl-Zyme is in my future, based on all the positive comments. I use a Herron VTPH-1 phono amp, with a Kuzma Stabi table and Kuzma Stogi arm along with a Benz Glider. I was planning on upgrading the Glider until I replaced my old Yamamura interconnects with H.T. Magic and now have all the detail and soundstage I could ever want. Bass is far tighter, as well. I'm also using an Audible Illusions M 3a pre-amp and AP Scorpio speakers. All possible connections have been treated with ESST.

Sure appreciate all the suggestions. Thanks,

Questions and call for clarifications:

When you say steam-clean, what kind of device or process do you mean? I have a Scunci Steamer. If I sprayed an LP with record cleaning solution, swished it around with a pad or brush, and then, instead of rinsing or suctioning, blasted it with the steamer, it should really melt and blow out the grunge, but would the heat damage the record?

Concerning enzyme cleaner, would it have to be Vinyl-Zyme, or would an enzyme cleaner such as you get at a pet store work as well?

I have a lot of used records that have been pleasant surprises. I just played a couple records I found in 99-cent bins that are dead quiet and play like new. OTOH, there's that used MoFi pressing of SuperTramp's Crime of the Century that I just got off eBay. It makes constant noise throughout both sides.

Mike - while not intending to side track this thread, how do you like your AP Scorpios?

On topic, my Loricraft regimen (similar with Doug's, I believe) is Premier, VinylZyme, RRL wash - in that order. The VinylZyme definitely helps.
