Technics SL-1200MKII and AT-440MLa, very good

This may have been posted before but I just wanted to let others know my experiance and setup that has worked out great. Now after 50 hours of playing time the soundstage has really started to open up and I'm starting to hear some very good depth to sound. AT really have done a good job with the AT440MLa cartridge and I thought I would never hear a cart in this price range sound this good, not only match well with my Technics SL-1200MKII but also with my Electrocompaniet ECP-1 phono preamp that I upgraded a few years back and is just finally breaking in also. The recordings I have done to CD on my computer have come out really nice and sound better than the store bought ones, more real. This is my secondary system in the room but I would like to try the Technics and AT440MLa on my main system or even better with the Teres 255 I have with the ET2 arm, I have a ceond tonearm for the ET2 and I may just do this. I used to own a Technics 1600MKII back in the ealy 80's and right up to 95 then I bought the Linn LP12 then Teres255, but I never thought the Technics SL-1200 could sound so good but I do remember on some material back when I had the 1600MKII that the sound was really nice. I going to do a side by side comparision with the 1200MKII and Teres 255 both with the AT440MLa cart just to see how close they come or don't to each other. This could be very interesting.

It was really a great buy and I will be getting more of the AT440MLa's
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Perfectionist: If you don't want to break the bank, the DB Systems phono pre is a really outstanding phono pre available for $165 direct from the manufacturer, David Hadaway of DB Systems. I have owned both the MM and MC version of this preamp and frankly believe you would probably have to spend at least $500 to significantly better it (I've also owned the basic Project Phono box and the DB is way, way better and do own an Aqvox 2CI which is a very well reviewed phono pre selling for around $1200).

Here is a link to a review of the DB MC stage (the MM is essentially the same with lower gain-37 db as opposed to 52 for the MC):

If you do order the DB, I would advise that you request David Hadaway to install a basic subsonic filter, which would add an additional $5 to the price tag.

I have the DB MM stage in a system I put together for my son which includes a tweaked Pioneer PL-12D with an AT 120E and the combination is surprisingly good in light of its very low cost.
> I believe that would be nude, square shank, stylii.

Thanks for clearing that up. I'm just getting back into vinyl after a 25-year hiatus and I have some catching up to do.

Another question--what's with the round stylus on the Denon 103 and 103R?
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Well, I'm finding this all very interesting. I read every thread (here) on the Bellari VP 129, most are positive regarding this unit. But I got a little turned off when I read in one thread that the price increased substantially after M.Fremer reviewed the unit. I have a local dealer that really likes the NAD PP-2. I've also read all threads (here) regarding this unit, and the common consensus seems to be that the Bellari is preferred over the NAD. But I decided to start at the bottom if you will, and picked up the little NAD.

I grew up with vinyl having mediocre setups in the past always just using the phono section of whatever receiver I had at the time. After taking a long hiatus from vinyl I decided to set up my old Yamaha tt in the garage just for fun and since I have over 100 albums. I recently decided to replace the Yamaha with the Technics, because I wanted a dd workhorse with more adjustments on it, and I wanted something that would be less susceptible to feedback as well (which it is). Since I got more into the high-end in '03, I have a greater appreciation for all thing's audio these days. The reason I bring this up is...

This stupid little phono pre has opened up a varitable pandora's box for me! For the first time in a long time, I actually enjoyed the quality of sound I was hearing last night. Man what a difference! What's better? Simply put, all of it. For a budget setup it sounds pretty darn good, and obviously, there is much room for improvement here. I just hooked it up with some old AQ Topaz cables I had laying around, but am going to throw a spare set of Nordost Blue Heavens on it tonight to see if it improves further. So, where to go from here? I'll run the lil' NAD for awhile and then probably move up to either a VP 129 or a (used) Gram Amp 2, leaning towards the latter.