Albert Porter's Lenco

Every time I see a Lenco online, I regret passing up buying Albert Porter's gorgeous Lenco when he put it up for sale here. Would the lucky owner care to comment on how much he has been enjoying it? On the other hand, could the lucky owner lie to me and tell me how much he hates it so that I can feel better about passing it up? I am an idiot sometimes.
Ddin't Jim W wind up with the Herbie-matted Lenco? I rebuilt another table from him that an, ahem, expert butchered.
4yanx, I hope mine is not the one you're referred to as "the butchered Lenco." I thought I did a pretty darn good job on it.
Oh, no. The plinth you had the guy make matched the rest very well, I thought. He had one that was butchered that I totally rebuilt from scratch, including restortation of the mechanics which were reputed to have been done by an "expert". He mentioned that he had bought yours, too.