Is a good Cermic Cartridge an Oxymoron?

A wonderful Metzner Starlight turntable (circa 1950s) is terrible thing to waste. Yet, its induction motor throws out so much EMF that I’m afraid it’s a two-pole and therefore a death sentence for all magnetic cartridges.
While I’m going to try some heavy MuMetal application with it, I want to prepare in the event that all the transmissions can’t be shielded. Do any good ceramics carts exist?
Thanks, Mario
"I can't see how you could make a stereo ceramic."

I don't understand this statement. There were lots or record players with ceramic stereo cartridges in the 60s and 70s. They weren't very good but they did exist.
Narrod...I'll take your word for it. I never used such record players. I just can't visualize the geometry of the device.
I remember coming across some while surfing the web, with the warning of ruining your records. Is this true, and if so why even make them?
I remember coming across some while surfing the web, with the warning of ruining your records. Is this true, and if so why even make them?

They were cheap and didn't require a MM phono stage.
Google "ceramic phono cartridge" and you will find a great deal of information (that I was unaware of). There is at least one respectable cartridge, priced near $80, that is said to track as low as 2 grams. Almost worth trying one just for fun.

Wait til the Idler Wheel crew hears about this!