The listening constraints have been lifted

I don't know about anyone else, but living in a busy house of five (3 teen agers) along with all the associated sports and school activities, I find precious few times that I can turn up my rig to the levels I like to. Today my wife and girls are at a wedding shower, my son is at work, I'm home alone! I just threw in some Keb' Mo' and turned it up so I can enjoy it throughout the house. Sure there is yardwork to be done and cars to clean (not to mention the honey-do-list). Now, I enjoy my family immensely, however, it's "me-time" and the listening constraints have been lifted, I'm a happy man!

Anyone else live with "listening constraints"?
The couple upstairs from me have a baby. Up until the time they brought the baby home I could listen to my music as often and loudly as I wanted. They are really nice people. They encouraged me to listen and enjoy, and I did! Now, however, they have asked me to tone it down during certain times of the day. I am more than happy to oblige, but I must admitt that I enjoy turning up the volume a bit, especially if I am listening to classical music. But isnt that baby cute! I am very happy for them.
Currently enjoying 2-months of me time!

That's right, the wife and kids went home to her parents for 2 months. I've only been married for 9 months and I've had one helluva time dealing with what we're talking about here. Let me tell you all, I have been rocking every day since they left. But I sure do miss them... But I've been rocking!!!!

My neighbors are moving in the next day or two, my wie will be working, and I will be jamming!

Like most, my wife gets annoyed at loud music. Not all the time, but often enough.