Getting and keeping records clean................


I have my turntable on the way and my vinyl collection growing weekly. I am thinking I will need to get a record cleaning machine to enjoy vinyl to its full potential. What RCM are recommended by you? Is it possible to clean records by hand effectively? I wonder if I can clean my collection by hand now with disc doctor or similar and brushes? I plan on getting a record cleaning machine but it will probably take a little while before I can swing the dough for one. Any help would be greatly appreciated such as which cleaning solution to use and brushes and their source. Thanks again.
Hi Jyprez,
I would agree with you - but find old jazz records like NOS tubes, usually a waste of money unless you have a machine that can repair years of abuse and another machine to fix noisy tubes would be a boon - I wonder, has anyone tried using these things as fairy lights - mines would be an expensive christmas tree !
Sure I could melt all the 'rare' vinyl I have bought into something festive - I sure wouldn't put it in the same room as my'record player'
Jyprez, just so you know, all my records are flea market finds or the like, there are VERY few that don't respond positivlty to the cleaning method I use. You've spent your money buying or your time building a RCM and so it is valuable to you. For those of us that are happy with hand cleaning don't disregard our experience. People swear those jars of rocks make a difference also.
try the Loricraft prc-4 and Aud' du Son cleaner...rcm comes with rc brush, cover and fluids kit...there are several different models and all are backed by 5 YEAR most things, you get what you pay for!! it's very quiet and has double suction and increased power.
good luck!
I have no doubt that the Loricraft and Clearaudio machines are the best, but for real world use, the medium price VPI16.5 or equivelant will be all you need. I have tried the loricraft, it's quieter perhaps easier to use, but I could'nt detect any great difference in results. So I would say VPI in the US, over here in Europe the Moth, about the same price as the VPI, but available in kit form at a £200 saving. I am useless at carpentry, but got it built and working, though it aint pretty. Again I don't know if its available in the US, but the wonderfully named Okki Nokki from Germany I believe, is very similar to the Moth/ VPI, but a bit more basic, at half the price.
Automatic record cleaning machines are a great convenience I suppose. I use a manual machine, the Record Doctor II, and I guarantee that with a little elbow grease and the right cleaning solutions, no machine will get your records any cleaner. You can buy a lot of vinyl with the money saved.