Anyone own or listened to this cd?

Occasionally I will head to my local library and borrow cds of artists and music that I am unfamiliar with looking for new sound that I might like. Of course not everything I try is music I enjoy. But once in awhile Im glad that I did. The latest find for me is A Nod to Bob on red house label. Its different folk artist doing Bob Dylan songs. Now I probably helps that I have always liked his songs (most) but the unique approach of his songs and especially the recording make this a keeper. On my system this is one of the best sounding cds I have. I have many great sounding cds and audiophile cds and this is at the top. It surpasses my mapleshade recordings and msl cds. It is recorded in HD but beats all my HD recordings too. Some of the cuts sound as real as I have ever heard. Just wondering if anyone else had similar results?
"I like the idea of an album devoted to one singer or
songwriter, by different artists."

My favorites in this genre are:

"Common Thread"-Songs of the Eagles and

"Tapestry Revisited: A Tribute To Carole King"

Both are excellent.
Ok, so if we're talking tribute albums now, here's one of my new favorites, Tower Of Song: Songs Of Leonard Cohen. There's a cut by Tori Amos that's worth the price of the cd. Another fantastic song is by Billy Joel that blows me away, and I have never really cared for Billy Joel. Some other great performances also.
Timrhu I am truly enjoying both Greg Brown cds. I cannot believe that I never knew of him before due to how good he is as an artist. Next cd for me is Covenant. Oh yea wife likes him too. Also I initial take after one listen to Greg Brown tribute is good but need a couple more for a real evaluation. Best
Covenant is my favorite followed by Honey In The Lion Head. The sonics on the Honey cd are as good as it gets but I prefer the music on Covenant.
I received the Bleecker Street cd mentioned above today. Planning on listening to it tonight.
Greg Brown gets a lot of play as well as John Gorka on my system,very good music