Update my Meridian 588?

Hi everbody, I am thinking about changing my cd player, the Meridian 588 to something better, this is my system.
Meridian 588 cd player
DK Design VS.1 Reference MK2 Integrated amp.
Amphion xenon speekers.

I really like the 588 when playing something like vigilante man with Ry Cooder on the disc Live in San Francisco.
up the volume a bit and its like being there, but sometimes I would like a bit better resolution but still with the analog and beautiful sounding blues guitar and a beautifully sounding piano where one can hear the notes decay very nicely, also I like a good reproduction of voices.
As I hope you guys can see, I like detail, but never harsh, I am more to the analog sound and sound that make you sit at a intimate concert in your living room.
I am also open for streaming from my macbook pro to a dac if you guys think I can get a better sound than I have now, I can spend between $2000 to $4000.
Hope for some replies.

I had the 588 years ago and it was easilly bested by Esoteric. I went from an X03Se to a k03. The 588 blows away the QB-9. I would go for a used esoteric x03 or k05/even x05. Or connect a dac and good cable to the 588 and go in steps---though I feel the read mechanism of the esoteric is where you will get alot of improvement (along with the dacs inside the esoteric). Only mentioning it since so mnay feel cd is on teh way out. I do not, but cannot recommend a cd player w/o a digital input.
Hi Gerrot, many thanks for replying, having used the 588 before.
I must say that I am very surprised to hear you say that the 588 is still today a much better player than the Ayre dac !
Although the Esoteric looks very nice indeed, I am afraid it is a bit out of my price range, when I update, I would like to have the newest in the market today, as I have a feeling that the dac market is evolving very fast these days. I am likely to keep my next purchase for many years to come.
Got a offer on a Primare Dac 30, looks really interesting, and it has gotten great reviews, just worry if there will be a update to this dac soon?
It came out in 2013!

What do you guys think? ;-)