krell suitable system

Hi to all krell enthusiasts!
I need your valuable advice, please. I plan to update my musical system with krell. Here is what I am thinking of buying:
525a+202+402e and/or cipher+phatom+402e or combinations between them with cast interconnections. I am not electrical specialist/or record sound engineer to compare characteristics, between for example 202 and phantom, say such as difference in input impedance CAST 45 ohms vs 25 ohms, balanced 95 vs 40…etc. I just need good sound for a $$.
Is phantom indeed much better than 202; I am not interested in crossover option in it?
The same with cipher versus 525a, I do not have excessive number of sacd, may be cd transport in cipher is much better and reliable?
Any recommendation will be muchly appreciated.
Thanks a lot
I would pair the krell kps25sc with the 402e amp,since the pre-amp in the kps25sc is better than most krell pre-amps of today,and get a modern day cd-player that has the best usb and latest digital technology, doing this will help your amp from sounding so bright when useing top-tier wide band cable systems, such as Taralabs Zero gold and omega gold, Nordost odin,lessloss,K.S.elations.,or a very good tube pre-amp,or a tube intergrated cd-player-pre-amp combo,,Happy listening!
Hi,newer does not mean better all the time,one of the best pre-amps krell has ever made is the krell kps25sc,you can use it as the pre-amp and not use the cd-player part of it,thou you may be supprised of the cd-player sounds very good thru cast,this would be a good match with the 402e amp!,happy listening.