Unsatisfied with Esoteric K-01: Alternatives?

I lived many blissful years with my Reimyo CDP-777, but finally decided it was time to start the transition to PC audio. I opted for the Esoteric K01 in order to have the maximum playback flexibility with CD, SACD, and asynchronous USB DAC. Fast-forward about 6 months and I find myself really missing the warmth, tonal richness, and musicality of the Reimyo when listening to to the rather cold, dry, and neutral K01. It is not a bad player by any means, but I've just come to realize that I'm a musicality guy as opposed to an analytical guy.

Now I'm in a bit of a quandary in regards to how to maintain that flexibility with something more to my taste. Are there any CD/SACD/asynch USB players (or combos) that lean more to the Reimyo's sense of musicality? Harmonix's current line still doesn't do USB input, or decode any thing but PCM up to 44.1. I'm starting to to think my only option is to buy the Harmonix for CD playback and then have a completely separate system for SACD/PC audio playback, but I would love to avoid that if at all possible. Any suggestions are welcome.
I just traded up from the K-01 from the K-03. I have owned many other players and DACs too. If you are talking musical versus analytical, both two players are among the most full bodied, warm, musical machines out there. There is something very wrong going on if that is not coming through.

BTW, I am using Synergistic Research cabling and power conditioning products. They are truly excellent. I am not sure what you are using, but that may be a good place to start experimenting.
@Azjake: The Accuphase gear does look very interesting, but super-expensive as well, especially for the two-box combo. I'll make it a priority to try it out, though.

@Guidocorona: I do have the K-01 in balanced mode. I'm not a fan of the DSD filter on CDs, though it does seem to sound different than the DSD filter on SACDs. The only thing I dislike about its performance on SACDs is a dry, recessed midrange that over-emphasizes the treble and bass. I'm a mids freak so this is a major con for me. Luckily, my SACD collection is small compared to my CD/FLAC collection. As for the Esoteric clock, I did audition and honestly couldn't tell any difference at all. I can't imagine why a clock would be at all useful for a single-box player. As for cabling, I use Virtual Dynamics, which are copper cables with a house sound that's very rich and full, so the lack of warmth/richness I'm hearing in the K-01 certainly isn't a cabling problem. I don't have any conditioning, but have my system running directly to two dedicated lines. I usually listen late at night so I've never thought power conditioning would help much on my system.

@Dob: For Vibration control I have a Monaco Modular Rack. Getting a wood-based stand might help, but I can't imagine it helping to the degree I'm talking about. As for a server, I had a custom PC built to the specifications that Goodwin's audio recommended (basically the PC is isolated and dead-quiet, built specifically as use as a server, accessing my music from an off-network Synology NAS).
If you are talking musical versus analytical, both two players are among the most full bodied, warm, musical machines out there. There is something very wrong going on if that is not coming through.

I think the only thing that's "wrong" is that it isn't as full bodied, warm, and musical compared to my old Reimyo. I haven't changed any of my equipment since I went from the Reimyo to the K-01, so it would be awfully strange if my other equipment was the problem as opposed to the K-01.
Hi No1willfan. You are right, I was very surprised as well that the G-0S clock made any difference on K-01, let alone a marked difference. On the other hand, to say it with Igor Stravinsky... I tend to judge the tree by its fruits, not by its roots. *grins!*

Reading your previous couple of posts, I suspect that no matter what, K-01 may never be able to become your cup of tea.... While some of us consider K-01 extremely refined and musical for what we perceive as an evenly filigreed presentation across the frequency spectrum, particularly in SDly2 4X, the device does not attempt to be a champion of midrange bloom, and even in SDly1 4X it gives midrange bloom only lip-service.

Saluti, G.
At this price level, I would explore the MSB line. Their transports will send SACD digitally to their DACs using proprietary I2S, and they are supposed to be very musical DACs. I will get one myself this week to confirm the theory.