Worlds best DAC

Went to CES this year to work on my transition to high Rez digital. I've heard many of the highly regarded players in my room or in others systems in the past. I'm actually very happy with my current cd based sound. As I listened to various DACS playing CD then high Rez, I was not bowled over. High rez was better, but only slightly so. The best (and most different) sound I heard happened to have one similarity. They were 2 non oversampling DACS with tube analog stages(Zanden and Ypsilon). These were without question the most natural sounding digital systems I heard at the show. They made CDsound miles ahead of high Rez. What gives?

PS: I understand the limitations of show auditions.
Has anyone auditioned the TotalDac and if so is it considered among one of the best?

I have it. It's the best I've had by far. (eg. Mpd-5, BMC DAC1, Empirical Audio (top upgrades).
The Zanden gets a very good rating on the HIFICRITIC performance scale, 105. However the new Audio Note gets a rating of over 400 on the same scale; let us all buy one. What was the price again? Oh, 192,000 pounds. Left my loose change in my other pants. All joking aside perhaps the question should be rephrased as "what is the world's best dac that anyone short of Bill Gates can buy"? I still like the Metrum Octave and it is around $1000. Their new model should be really good at 3-4x the price [ or possibly more, haven't seen the final price.]
My JADIS JS1 MK3 put the ZANDEN 5000 SIGN and the METRONOME C2A in his rear pocket ............

i did not even know Audio Note came out with a newer DAC. Is there anything to read up on it...just for fun? I have heard mixed things about hte Audio Note 5 SE...some say the best ever, others say not to believe the hype even though still excellent.

I have recently spoken with someone who owns/is buying 9 SOTA digital systems for his showrooms...the best of the best for his showroom and customers. He felt the Zanden ranks towards the bottom of these 9 due to its flaws which are apparent relative to today's newer tech...but that in the right system, its own particular magic puts it back up near the top...but you gotta get the system right.

perhaps same with Audio Note? Thanks for any guidance about the new Audio Note...what is it called?
It was reviewed in HIFICRITIC, I will locate it and post. In the process of moving to Waynesville, NC from the Louisville, Ky area and things are disorganised at present.