Worlds best DAC

Went to CES this year to work on my transition to high Rez digital. I've heard many of the highly regarded players in my room or in others systems in the past. I'm actually very happy with my current cd based sound. As I listened to various DACS playing CD then high Rez, I was not bowled over. High rez was better, but only slightly so. The best (and most different) sound I heard happened to have one similarity. They were 2 non oversampling DACS with tube analog stages(Zanden and Ypsilon). These were without question the most natural sounding digital systems I heard at the show. They made CDsound miles ahead of high Rez. What gives?

PS: I understand the limitations of show auditions.

Showing 19 responses by lloydelee21

Hi Arnie/Babybear,

Any updates on the CH Precision? I own the Zanden Signature DAC and am likely to keep it for some time to come having elected to pass on a trade-in option for Wadia S7, DCS Scarlatti and various ARC equipment. However, I came across the STahl-Tek Vekian and was intrigued/tempted.

I then read about CH Precision...first from you!. And then i saw this morning that a superb SOTA system (Rockport Arrakis 2 speakers, 2 sets of Gryphon Mephisto monos, 6 SOTA turntables, Transp Ref Opus MM2 cabling everywhere, dedicated room, etc, etc)...just got a CH Precision digital system so now I am seriously interested to know more...since i like the system this person has, having gotten to know Gryphon electronics, Transp Audio cabling and Rockport speakers. Thanks for any update!!!

Thank you! That is really good to know. I love my CJ GAT preamp, and i am loathe to give it up. Which means i am expecting to use my digital thru the GAT.

I am torn between keeping my Zanden DAC which i have found no desire to change whatsoever in 5 years...and possibly going with the latest upgrade from Zanden which costs a fraction of any new (even second hand) digital system.

...or not spending more on Zanden...if there is something that matches the NOS DAC magic but with all the tremendous detail, low noise floor of these latest DACS.

FWIW, i would not trade my Zanden for DCS Scarlatti even though Scarlatti has much greater detail, lower noise floor...because for some reason, i find the purity of tonality or something about the fluidity of the Zanden is superior. just my two cents.

any thoughts about these elements in the CH Precision are most appreciated! Especially if you've heard the Zanden.
Thanks, Dover! Very helpful. Since i bought my Zanden 2nd hand 5 yrs ago...seems like perhaps i will keep it and maybe go for the 'relatively' affordable upgrade which apparently helps lower the noise floor, improve detail/decay mainly thru shielding and better wiring. Thanks again!
Hi ARnie,

Thanks for that...yes, i have just picked up the Hifi Critic review of your digital system. I will re-read it now, knowing that is what you've got. thanks!
I have been invited to listen tothe Metronome Kalista Ref SE Thursday with the new Wilson Alexandria XLF and the D'Agostino Momentums. Will post.

Meanwhile, the more i think about it...the more i think hi-res has some ways to go...particularly on the music selection side. Since i already own the Zanden and have been exceptionally happy with it for the last 5 years...i might just look for a 2nd hand Zanden transport and be done with it for a few more years. While i think computers have done an incredible job of trouncing transports on a 'dollar per pound' basis, i still find the best SOTA transports (particularly ones designed to go with specific DACs) preferable to my ears. Plus, i am not a fan of trying digitize my whole with crashing computers, backup files, etc...i just like to drop in a cd and push play and go back to work.
So i was (very kindly) invited to the introduction of the new XLF...superb room...D'Agostino Momentum monos...Kalista Ref CD player, ARC Ref 5SE preamp...Transp Opus MM2 Cabling throughout. On the face of it...a superb system and one to be reckoned with. Here's my view of the experience:

- Supreme 'density of signal'...greater by a 'meaningful margin' than Audio Exotics room in Hong Kong (Tidal Sunrays with 2 Tidal tower subs, 3 sets of Tidal Impact monos, Tidal Presencio, Stahl-Tek Vekian, Argento Master Ref cabling, Tripoint grounding/AC).
- This is where i think newer electronics have come a long way (and good speakers thought not necessarily 'the newest ones'...older SOTA is still amazing) being able to take the signal and through substantially lower noise floors, more exacting detail retreival...really are able to deliver a very strong, focused, concrete music signal. Older electronics...mainly digital...tend to deliver a 'weaker music signal'...almost like a flashlight where the batteries are getting low.
- On this was like brand new lightbulb and batteries and flashlight. Very impressive.

- Better bass than i recall with X2 Series 2...but that's not a definitive statement because too many variables. What I CAN say for sure, is that this XLF will NOT replace any well setup X2 Series with a good sub. That is not close.

sound on tracks i know extremely well was 'a bit shouty'...which surprised me. I am going to give the system the benefit of the doubt and say there were probably more than a few new components...most likely the Ref 5 SE, as well as of course the speakers, and possibly the Momentums and speaker cables.
- By 'shouty' i mean that even on Amos Lee...on whom Norah Jones does background vocals so you get the idea...his voice felt a little like he was singing/shouting. And that was not the only track where i felt this touch of slightly raw overpowering force.
- Based on what i understand about the new tweeter, and what i already know about the X2, X2 Series 2 and likely the XLF mids, i might point at the Momentum monos which i have heard are 'slightly harder' than the stereo version. I am familiar with the Kalista, Ref 5 (non SE), Transp cables and the X-1, X2 series, so that is my guess.

i appreciate the opportunity to hear it, having heard the Audio Exotics Room last year with similar/same music. Feel free to ask/PM for any other observations.
Hi Jon,

Good to know...just read your post. How have you found 'SOTA' transports compare with computer fed files? I would believe that computer files would compete very well on transports up to around 5K, maybe even more...but given the status of your AN DAC 4.1, it would certainly warrant true SOTA transports! I am wondering if you have made the comparison...thanks for any insights!
Hi Mr. Tennis,

I have been reading your posts for years...ever since i first got onto AGon many years ago. Thanks for continuing to contribute.

I have read pretty much every post you ever made about Zanden...and i know something of your stated preferences for older tubed equipment. Personally, i think much tubed equipment struggled the last 5 years to get the switch from golden hue to got a bit sterile/white in imho. However, the current latest units (CJ GAT) really feel like they managed to take the golden hue, release the thickened bits and retain the golden light bit...

On that note, have you ever spent time with the Zanden Transport? Would REALLY appreciate your guidance, as i own the Zanden Signature and despite waiting 5 years for computer audio to match SOTA transports...i have found the Zanden Transport keeps calling as the price (and CD prices!) continue to drop.

Any advice on the benefit of the Zanden Transport (compared to my little blu-ray player)?? Thank you!
Thanks Argyro,

I have not heard the Orpheus but have read about it on a few reviews. Can you comment on how it compares with Stahl-Tek Vekian Opus, or Zanden? Those are my two favorite digital sources. Thank you!
Thanks, Argyro! Good to know!

Chad - i have heard the original Medea and understand it is quite different from the new Medea+...the original was less my flavor, but i will try to give the new one a listen.

Audiofreak - thanks to you too for your recommendation. Have heard the Linn Akurate...very impressive as well.

i did not even know Audio Note came out with a newer DAC. Is there anything to read up on it...just for fun? I have heard mixed things about hte Audio Note 5 SE...some say the best ever, others say not to believe the hype even though still excellent.

I have recently spoken with someone who owns/is buying 9 SOTA digital systems for his showrooms...the best of the best for his showroom and customers. He felt the Zanden ranks towards the bottom of these 9 due to its flaws which are apparent relative to today's newer tech...but that in the right system, its own particular magic puts it back up near the top...but you gotta get the system right.

perhaps same with Audio Note? Thanks for any guidance about the new Audio Note...what is it called?
Thanks! good luck with the move...will try to do some homework if nothing else to read about what makes it so great.
Hi Mr. Tennis...just curious, do you still like Zanden? I still love mine...and have spent countless hours on elements which, for me, have continued to take the 4-box further and further. It is in fact amazing for me how well it responds to these things, and continues to deliver even more of what I love about Zanden. Specifically, I have NOS tubes throughout (Mullard 1950s rectifiers, Amperex 7308, EAT Tube dampers), independent HRS M3 or Stillpoints Ultra 5s under each box, plus HRS, Ultra, dampers on top of create an 'isolation sandwich'...and finally Purist Audio Dominus Power cables.

6 years running and no desire to look at further digital, and I have been fortunate to hear: Metronome Kalista Ref/C2A, ARC CD 3,5,7,8, Stahl-Tek, TAD D600, Esoteric X-01SE, Emm CDSA, Audio Aero La Source, Weiss Medea, Krell 505, Meridian 808.2, Wadia s7i, DCS Scarlatti full stack and Vivaldi full stack. I'd love to hear the new Trinity DAC and Light Harmonic DaVinci. But otherwise, perfectly happy.

Just curious on your end if you've discovered other digital you like better.
Interesting JWM...I am most interested in reading more about this particular DAC. Until I can hear for myself, it is always good to collect different opinions...every now and then, certain 'themes' surface from all the varied opinions. I look forward to your own opinions here. What have heard about the Light Harmonic DaVinci DAC in terms of any particular 'character'? I do like the fact that they do separate DSD and PCM architecture inside...which is consistent with the techno guys who say that each architecture is different and excels at different formats. It is either jack of all trades...or truly best of both. I am hoping the latter of course!
I just read this morning that the Phasure NOS 1 has a very similar architecture to the Trinity DAC. Quote from ACG at Whatsbestforum below:

"The Phasure NOS1 USB dac seems to use much of the same tech as the Trinity. Eight x PCM1704 and completely filterless (analogue or digital) running femto clocks. The Phasure relies on the computer software to upsample to 705 or 768 and to apply a special Arc prediction filter that eliminates pre and post ringing (called impulse response in the Trinity manual) which takes all of this processing out of the dac which improves dac clock behaviour.

When I read the description of the sound of the Trinity dac I thought that it was exactly how most of us Phasure owners would describe the sound of our dac: that it has no sound of its own. I am quite sure that the designer of the Phasure does not pick the cream from his crop of PCM1704s Like for the Trinity) and it's unusual shape and presentation do manage to keep costs down so it is a fraction of the price of the Trinity, but I sure would love to hear them both side by side one day."
Hi Agear,

Thanks for taking the time to share all of that...fascinating to read. If you do hear how those shootouts went in Asia, please post!!! There is a whole new generation of digital that is coming out which (imho) started with the Vivaldi and has started to combine the organic nature of certain DACS with the precise timing qualities of the most exacting DACs which some felt were a touch cold. ie, the best of both.

I am told Trinity is exactly in this position. I think people expect L7 to be there as well. Thanks for continuing to post!
"Lloyd, I was thinking about your digital front end and your intonations early in this thread about the old equipment itch. I think you should be very pleased with yourself. Digital front ends come and go like the wind in most systems. Few manufacturers make dacs that people seem to hold onto. Audionote and Zanden are two that come to mind. You have a fabulous foundation that is imminently tweakable and has made music for 6 years. Bravo. It is VERY hard to find digital that lays down down analog goodness in a realistic manner.

All that being said, the best dac I have "heard" is the Light Harmonic DaVinci. Sadly, the price is a little dear these days...
Agear "

Hi Agear,

Thanks for your kind words. I admit, the single greatest investment I have made in my system in the last 3 years has been growing my CD collection from 400 CDs to closer to 2,000. And loving it. I feel very fortunate indeed.

I have heard amazing things about Lampizator 7 and the fact that Lampizator, Light Harmonic have separate DACs internally for PCM vs DSD intrigues me, as more than one has said they find that no one solution fits all digital formats equally well. I know a few people who own Trinity DAC...sounding very very promising!

Good luck in your search and please keep us posted!!