Jolida JD 100A vs. Cambridge Audio Azur 650

Has anyone had any experience with either of these, or better the opportunity to compare the two CD players? It seems there are some Jolida supporters in these forums, but I'd really like to know how the two compare. My integrated is a NAD C375BEE and I find myself listening more to vinyl (I have a rega p3) than CDs, which leads me to believe that the Jolida's tubes may gave me the warmer sound I prefer. I have read good things about the Azur - and recognize that the technology is newer than the Jolida - but am not sure if that is enough to give it an edge. I also have tons of CD-Rs and have not been able to discern whether the Azur can play them, which could be a major sticking point. Anyone have any thoughts?
Ag insider logo xs@2xcpalermo1
You should probably decide if it is a tube unit you want.

Both players are considered to be very good.

I have the Cambridge 650 and yes, it plays CD-Rs.
I've never owned any tube equipment, so it's hard to say. I'm sure I won't be able to audition the two side-by-side. I like the warmth of tube equipment, but also consider that the newer technology used in the Cambridge could be a plus. The reviews I read don't seem to be highlighting any concerns related to the Jolida using tubes; quite the opposite.
Both nice players, but different. The Cambridge is more detailed, more analytical sounding, the Jolida warmer and "thicker" through the mids. If you go with the Jolida, know that it responds well to NOS tubes.