Which CD Players do not require a Pre Amp ?

Looking to try a player that has volume control so I can go direct to amp.
Resolution Audio I know is one and not sure if all the Wadia's have volume control. Plus I think the Wadia is out of my budget at this time.
Can you guy's give me others to consider and if you run direct which one you have preferred.
Ancient Audio Lektor V and Lektor Plus;
beyond those the Lektor Air and Lektor Grand SE, but you'd enter Wadia-like price regions there.
All of them have volume control in the analogue domain; they also feature tube output stages and Philips CD-Pro2 transports.

I have the Lektor V in my second system and think it's an impeccable machine with a "joyous" character if I had to describe it in one word, however, the Lektor Plus is undoubtedly better overall (only too expensive for that particular system).

Actually, quite a few earlier threads on this topic, check it out.