CD player how much to invest

I sometimes wonder should I invest more in digital playback in the future. My current CD transport is a CEC TL51x with a Wadia 12 DAC.
From shows and visits to friends I have learned that there are better CD players out there then my combo, but at what price. The AMR CD-777, is a little better but at €4000 twice the cost. The AMR CD-77 and Nagra CDP are even better still but they cost 10 times or more then my combo.

But is it worth the investment even if I had the money. I believe that with say €2000 you can buy a good CD player That is maybe 90% of a €10.000 CD player.

However I do think that speakers and turntables have a higher return on investment sonic wise. A friend of mine will bring his Jadi Symphonia with Electraglide powercord + Harmonic Tech Magic Link I interlink. To compare. I somehow doubt it will be much better, it may be different but better I don't know.

I am wrong to think that? Are more expesive CD player really a lot better then mid priced and if so how come?

Sorry for my rant, but when I was thinking about upgrading my set and maybe buy an other CD player would it be worth the money? Will I hear a difference etc.
"However I do think that speakers and turntables have a higher return on investment sonic "-I beg to differ.I think the law of diminishing return is true for almost alll the equipments,especially loudspeakers..

"I somehow doubt it will be much better, it may be different but better I don't know."-The same is ESPECIALLY true for loudspeakers too
For about $12k you can buy a Nagra CDT. The Boulder 1021 is about €24k I have heard them both at a dealer show. Now to be honest I don't think the Boulder is a lot better. Not even sure if it is better at all. So the difference is about $12K. That difference will buy a set of Sonus Faber Amati instead of the Guarneri, etc. The difference between $12k and $24K speakers is IHMO a lot bigger bigger then $12k CD player and a $24K CD player. I think at a certain price point audio doesn't get much better just a different taste.
"I don't think the Boulder is a lot better"-you are right,but Try the Nagra CDT vsPuccini?Now there's something else.Likewise a Puccini vs Scarllati stack....the differences are not subtle.Actually I have found out that very few manufacturers know how to make digital gears well,If youn stick with the well known digital specialists I think you are OK.It si easier,WAY>>>>easier to get a well made speakers than well made digital gears

BTW,I personally prefer The Nagra to Boulder 1020,even though it is cheaper.
The difference between the Nagra CDT and the DCS Puccini is about €3000, the DCS being the more expensive one. So what are according to you the digital specialists? If I were to improve my current digital set, where would you look, what brands models etc? For say a budget between €1000 and €2000 plus what I can get if I were to sell my CEC TL51x and Wadia 12. I don't mind 2nd hand but I don't want anything older then a few years. There are a lot of decent CD players out there that once they are broken they can not be repaired since the parts are all gone. Players that come to mind that might be better are Naim CDX2, Luxman D-05, Symphonic Line any model, etc but I have no idea if the actually are better, just sound different or sound the same. I'm open to suggestions.
For 1-2K Euros,here are my suggestions;

1.dcs P8i -used

2.EAR acute-used

3.Luxman D-05

I believe your Symphonic line intergrated will matc superbly with dcs,the Naim might have too much of its own personality