The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Tbg: I heard them at Audio Federation in Boulder, CO. I've actually now spent many hours listening to them with 3 different amps (Edge Signature something, Audio Note UK Kegon, Lamm ML2.1). As much as I'm a Lamm fan (and owner), the Kegons are just magical amps. Before I heard the Triolons, it was my opinion that the law of diminishing returns hit hard not far into the 5 figure range. Now I know, at least in one case, that you really do get what you pay for with top end gear. Of course, the Trolons may just be the exception, I still haven't heard anything else on the extreme high end that is really *that* much better than the good stuff you can get for 15-25k.
Tbg & Steve01s4,

You fellas are troublemakers. Now I have to hunt down these speakers out of curiosity.

I have a pair of Audionote UK Kageki amps (similar to Kegons, but utilizing 2a3s instead of 300Bs). I have not heard the Kegons, but, I will venture to say that you should also hear the Gaku-On (powerful, 211 based amps with a warm tonal balance), and the quite different sounding Sogon (very fast, extended on top and leaner sounding than the Gaku-On). My Kagekis are closer to the Sogon camp.
The Magico Mini monitor speaker have such a coherent and musical sound that I would give them my vote. It helps that they are hand made and gorgeous to look at!
Avontgarde duos& Quad esl57's with new treble panels. equal first. This, when you look at the numbers of duo fans here says a lot about the quads. good supertweeter and subwoofer would propel the quads into first. 2 sets of quads then i'm not just first, i'm in mark lensons private attic listening room. Rock on

I bet those Kagekis are amazing. I am as close to perfectly happy with my Lamms as I think is possible when it comes to an audio component. That said, if I buy another amp, it will be from Audio Note. I'm awestruck by what the Kegons can do, and am not sure I even want to hear the Gaku-On until I'm in a position to be able to afford them.